Setting up AVD and mobile connection

Setting up AVD and mobile connection

To set up an Android Virtual Device (AVD), you need to follow these steps:

Open the Android Studio and select “AVD Manager” from the toolbar.

Click the “Create Virtual Device” button.

Select the device type and then click “Next.”

Choose the system image for the device you want to emulate and then click “Next.”

You can modify some hardware settings like RAM, storage, and screen resolution.

Click “Finish” to create the AVD.

To connect your Android device to your computer, you can use a USB cable. Here are the steps to connect your Android device to your computer:

Connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable.

On your Android device, go to “Settings” and then “Developer Options.”

Enable “USB Debugging” mode.

Open the Android Studio and select “Run” from the toolbar.

Select your device from the “Choose Device” window and then click “OK.” Your Android device should now be connected to your computer, and you can begin testing and debugging your application.

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