Want to become a Certified HTML Designer? Do you aspire to to begin your journey into Web development? Then you have arrived at the right place. In today’s highly competitive environment, professional certification differentiates you as a professional who is serious about applied learning, making you an asset to a prospective employer. A Certified HTML Designer is responsible for creating the design and layout of a website or web pages. Moreover, they will be working closely with our web development team to ensure a proper and hassle-free implementation.
Roles and Responsibility
Certified HTML Designers use their creative and software engineering skills to design, build and improve websites. They must have have excellent visual design skills and be proficient in graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to be successful in this role. Moreover, they are responsible for :
- Firstly, Conceptualising creative ideas for website designs
- Secondly, producing sample sites, testing and improving designs
- Thirdly, maintaining the appearance of websites by enforcing content standards.
- Also, Communicating design ideas using user flows, process flows, site maps and wireframes.
- Further, Designing visual imagery for websites and ensuring that they are in line with branding for clients.
- Additionally, developing skills and expertise in appropriate software/programming languages such as HTML and Javascript
- Finally, keeping up to date with recent technological and software developments
Vskills Certified HTML Designer Overview
Vskills Certified HTML Designer certification introduces you with HTML programming which is used to develop websites and web based applications. HTML elements are the basic building-blocks of web development. Almost all organizations need well-maintained and efficient web sites to function effectively. Nearly every sector requires HTML professionals; to perform web site support tasks such as keeping web site updated and troubleshooting if any problem arises which help to keep the web site running smoothly and efficiently. The Indian IT industry is moving up the value curve and today’s scenario demands more specialisation which this certification offers. It is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to begin their journey in web development.
Why become a Vskills Certified HTML Designer?
The demand for Vskills Certified Professional is constantly increasing due to advancement in technology & continuous change in programming platforms. A professional certification can open the door to increased visibility, better opportunities and new jobs in your industry. By earning this certification you will be able to enhance your employability and demonstrate your capability. IT companies across the globe seek good HTML developers. Having learned HTML concepts you can learn other web development technologies like CSS2/CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, PHP etc faster.
Vskills is India’s largest certification provider and gives candidates access to top exams as well as offers after exam benefits. This includes:
- This certification will have a Government verification tag.
- Also, the Certification will have lifetime validity.
- Further, you will get Lifelong e-learning access.
- Moreover, you get access to Free Practice Tests.
- Additionally, You will get tagged as ‘Vskills Certified’ On Monsterindia.com and ‘Vskills Certified’ On Shine.com.
Target Audience
This certification is designed for professionals and technical graduates seeking career in software industry. It is also suitable for those who are currently working in this domain and want to widen their knowldge horizon. Vskills Certified HTML Designer may find employment in all kind of companies like Capgemini, Accenture, Tech Mahindra, Deloitte
Exam Details: Certified HTML Designer
- Exam Code: VS-1027
- Duration: 60 minutes
- No. of questions: 50
- Maximum marks: 50
- Passing marks: 25 (50%).
- There is NO negative
- This is an Online exam.
Exam Process

Career as an HTML Designer
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language in its complete form. It’s used to make web pages, web apps, and websites. Let us discover career opportunities as HTML Designer.
Course Outline: Certified HTML Designer
This exam covers the following domains:
- Introduction
- History
- HTML Versions
- Elements tags and Attributes
- Head and body tags
- HTML Editor
- Create a web page
- Viewing the Source
- White Space and Flow
- HTML Comments
- HTML Meta tags
- HTML Attributes
- XHTML First Line
- DTD or Document Type Declaration
- Special Characters
- Capitalization
- Quotations
- Nesting
- Spacing and Breaks
Core tags and Attributes
Attribute Groups
Text Formatting
Font Styling
- Font Styling tags
- b tag for Bold
- i tag for Italicize
- u tag for Underline
- s or strike tag for Strikethrough
- tt tag for Monospace
- sup tag for Superscript
- sub tag for Subscript
- big tag
- small tag
- hr tag for Horizontal Lines
- font tag for more Font style
Phrase tags
- Phrase tags
- em tag for Emphasis
- strong tag for Strong Emphasis
- address tag for Address
- abbr tag for Abbreviations
- acronym tag for Acronym
- dfn tag for Special Terms
- blockquote tag for Quoting
- q tag for Short Quotations
- cite tag for Citations
- kbd tag
- var tag for Variables
- samp tag for Output
- ins and del tags for Editing text
Grouping tags
Site structure
Hyper Linking
- Hyperlink
- Source anchor
- Destination anchor
- Using a tag for Creating Links
- Using href Attribute
- MIME types
- Other Attributes
- Linking to a Specific Part of a Page
- Linking in same web site
- Linking to Other Web Sites
- Linking to E-mail Addresses
- Advanced E – mail Links
- Spam-Proofing E-Mail Links
- Image Links
- Customizing Links
- img tag for images
- img tag Attributes
- Using Images as Links
- Image Maps
- Applying Image Maps
- Image Formats
Audio and Video Linking
- Multimedia Basics
- Plug-ins and Web Browsers
- Audio File Formats
- Video Formats
- embed tag and attributes
- object tag and attributes
- IE-specific bgsound tag
- HTML 5 Multimedia tag
- Adding Audio
- Flash for Audio
- Adding Videos
- Flash for Video
- Table Basics
- Table Structure
- Using table tag
- tr tag for Rows
- td tag for Table Cells
- th tag for Table Heading
- Table Cellpadding and Cellspacing
- Colspan and Rowspan Attributes
- Table Backgrounds
- Table Height and Width
- Table Caption
- Using Header Body and Footer
- Nested Tables
- Inserting Content
- Forms Basics
- Create a Basic Form
- Input control
- Text Input Control
- Radio Button Control
- Check Box Control
- Select Menu Control
- Button Control
- Label Control
- File Upload Control
- Hidden Field Control
- Form Processing
- Formatting Forms
- Frame Basics
- frameset tag
- frameset Attributes
- frame tag
- frame Attributes
- Frame based Content Menu
- Nesting Framesets
- Inline Frames
- noframes tag
Preparatory Guide: Certified HTML Designer
While preparing yourself for any certification or exam, it should be very clear to a candidate where to begin. Therefore we have curated a step by step preparatory guide to help you achieve this much valued credential. Moreover, this guide throw light on some of the expert resources you must refer to pass the exam with flying colours.

Firstly, Review the Exam Objectives
The first and foremost step in this guide is to review the exam objectives. You should have utmost clarity about the topics covered in this exam. Therefore the Course Outline plays a crucial role. It provides detailed description about the exam concepts and helps you align your study plan around these concepts. The topics covered in this exam are:
- Core Tags and Attributes
- Attribute Groups
- Text Formatting
- Font Styling
- Phrase Tags
- Grouping Tags
- Lists
- SIte structure
- Hyper Linking
- Images
- Audio and Video Linking
- Tables
- Forms
- Frames
- Miscellaneous
Secondly, Learn with Books

Books have been the perfect resource to prepare for any exam since time immemorial. They provide comprehensive information and help you relate the exam concepts with real life business scenarios. Moreover they provide great examples to provide you enough clarity and excel in your exam. Here is a list of a few suggested books you must include in your preparation journey:
- Firstly, Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins
- Secondly, HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett
- Thirdly, HTML 101 by Jo Foster
- Also, Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS by Ben Frain
- Subsequently, HTML QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’s Guide To HTML
Thirdly, Choose the right resources
Passing the exam can be easy if you choose the right set of resources for yourself. Make sure the content is precise and reliable enough. The resources that you’ll pick will determine how well you prepare and pass the exam. There are numerous resources available that makes it difficult to make the a wise choice. Vskills has your back as it provides you with official resources and learning material. The E-Learning Study Resources are offered with lifetime access to enhance your preparations. Moreover, these resources are constantly updated to provide you with important insights for the exam. Also, they are meant to supplement your learning experience.
Finally, Check your Progress with practice tests
Practice tests are significant to familiarise yourself with the exam format. They keep your preparations under check and are a great way to identify gaps in your knowledge that you can work upon. Strengthening your weaker domains will boost your knowledge. Moreover, the best way to start doing practice tests is after completing one full topic as this will work as a revision part for you. It will help you in evaluating your performance as well as building your confidence. Ready to evaluate yourself, try free practice test here!
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