Android View Hierarchies

Android View Hierarchies

In Android, View hierarchies are used to create user interfaces. View hierarchy is a tree-like structure in which views are organized hierarchically, with a single root view at the top and one or more child views at the bottom.

Each view in the hierarchy is an instance of the View class, or one of its subclasses such as TextView, ImageView, or Button. Views are used to display information, such as text or images, and to allow users to interact with the app through touch events.

The root view of a view hierarchy is typically a ViewGroup, which is a special type of view that can contain other views. Examples of ViewGroup include LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, and FrameLayout. ViewGroup is also a subclass of View and can be nested within other ViewGroups.

The layout of a view hierarchy is defined using XML layout files. The layout file contains a hierarchical description of the views and their properties. The Android system uses these layout files to create the view hierarchy at runtime. Views can be added or removed from the view hierarchy dynamically at runtime, and their properties can be changed programmatically as well. The Android SDK provides a rich set of APIs to manipulate the view hierarchy, making it easy to create complex user interfaces for your app.

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