DevOps Testing

DevOps is software development practices to decrease the systems-development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates frequently in close alignment with business objectives.

Q.1 What are the tools of DevOps?
DevOps is a process for increasing product development productivity and quality. The following are the primary tools employed in this methodology: Tools for the Version Control System. For example, git is a Continuous Integration tool. Jenkins Continuous Testing Tools, for example. Tools such as Selenium Configuration Management and Deployment, for example. Puppet, Chef, and Ansible are just a few examples. Tool for continuous monitoring. Containerization tools for Nagios, for example. Docker, for example.
Q.2 What does it mean to be a DevOps engineer?
A DevOps engineer collaborates with software developers as well as IT personnel to guarantee that code releases go well. Developers who develop an interest in the deployment and operations domain, or system administrators who develop a passion for coding and want to move into development. In a nutshell, a DevOps engineer is someone who understands the SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) and automation tools for CI/CD pipeline development.
Q.3 What is SSH's purpose?
Secure Shell, or SSH, is an administrative protocol that allows users to access and administer remote servers via the command line via the Internet. SSH is a secure encrypted version of Telnet, which was formerly unencrypted and insecure. This assured that all communications with the remote server are encrypted. SSH additionally includes features for remote user authentication, input communication between the client and the host, and output delivery to the client.
Q.4 What is configuration management, and how does it work?
Configuration management (CM) is essentially the process of handling changes in such a way that the system's integrity is maintained throughout time. This entails a set of policies, techniques, procedures, and tools for analysing, managing, and tracking change proposals, as well as keeping the necessary documentation. CM assists in the design and development of the programme by offering administrative and technical guidance.
Q.5 What is the significance of DevOps configuration management?
Configuration management (CM) assists the team in automating time-consuming and repetitive operations, improving the organization's performance and agility. It also aids in the consistency and improvement of the product development process by utilising design streamlining, detailed documenting, control, and change implementation throughout the project's many phases/releases.
Q.6 In DevOps, what does CAMS stand for?
Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing (CAMS) are acronyms for Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing. It encapsulates the essence of DevOps.
Q.7 Explain the CI process.
Developers check out code into their local workspaces on a regular basis and work on the features that have been assigned to them. When they're finished, they commit and push the code to a remote shared repository, which is managed using effective version control systems like git. The CI server maintains track of changes made to the shared repository and pulls them as soon as they are detected. If unit and integration test cases are configured, the CI server then triggers the build of the code and executes them. The results of the build are communicated to the team. In the event of a build failure, the team must work quickly to resolve the problem, and the procedure must then be repeated.
Q.8 What is Continuous Integration (CI) and how does it work?
Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development method that ensures that when developers finish working on a feature, they integrate their code into a shared repository. Each integration is tested using an automated build process, which allows teams to uncover bugs in their code much earlier rather than after it has been deployed.
Q.9 What is the necessity for Continuous Integration?
The software quality has increased and the time taken to provide the features of the product has been considerably lowered by implementing Continuous Integration for both development and testing. Since every commit to the shared repository is produced automatically and performed against the unit and integration test cases, the development team can find and fix mistakes early on.
Q.10 What is Continuous Testing (CT) and how does it work?
Continuous Testing (CT) is a DevOps phase that entails running automated test cases as part of an automated software delivery pipeline with the sole purpose of receiving immediate feedback on the quality and validation of business risks associated with the automated build of code developed by developers. This phase will assist the team in continuously testing each build (as soon as the code developed is pushed), allowing the development teams to receive immediate feedback on their work and ensuring that these issues do not arise later in the SDLC cycle. Due to the lack of manual intervention steps to rebuild the project and run the automated test cases every time changes are made, this will dramatically speed up the developer's workflow for developing the project.
Q.11 What are the three key DevOps metrics?

The following are some DevOps KPIs:

  • Reduce the time it takes to recover from a failure on average.
  • Increase the frequency with which deployments take place.
  • The percentage of deployments that fail has decreased.
Q.12 What distinguishes DevOps from Agile Methodology?
DevOps is a practise or culture that allows the development and operations teams to work together to build successful products. This entails employing SDLC cycle approaches such as continuous development, integration, testing, deployment, and monitoring. DevOps aims to bridge the gap between development and operations teams in order to ensure a successful product launch. Agile is a software development process that emphasises incremental, iterative, and quick software product releases while integrating customers through feedback. This methodology bridges the gap between the clients' and developers' understanding of requirements.
Q.13 Could you provide a list of key performance indicators (KPIs) that are used to measure DevOps success?

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are a type of metric that measures how well something is working. The following are some of the most commonly used KPIs for measuring DevOps success:

  • Application utilisation, performance, and traffic are all factors to consider.
  • Test Case that is Automated Percentage of students who pass.
  • Availability of the Application Requests for volume changes
  • Tickets for customers
  • The frequency and duration of successful deployments
  • Rates of error/failure
  • Deployment failures
  • Time to detection in the interim (MTTD)
  • In the meantime, there is a healing period (MTTR)
Q.14 In DevOps, what is CBD?
Component-Based Development (CBD) is an acronym for component-based development. It's a one-of-a-kind approach to product creation. Developers constantly looking for existing well-defined, tested, and verified code components to save them from having to start from scratch.
Q.15 What is Resilience Testing and How Does It Work?
Resilience testing is a software method that examines an application's behaviour in chaotic and uncontrolled situations. It also ensures that after a failure, the data and functionality are not destroyed.
Q.16 Could you elaborate on the DevOps pipeline?
In general, a pipeline is a series of automated tasks/processes that the software engineering team defines and follows. DevOps pipeline is a set of tools that enable DevOps engineers and software developers to compile, build, and deliver software code to production settings in an efficient and reliable manner.
Q.17 Do you know what DevOps post mortem meetings are?
Post-mortem meetings are convened to discuss what went wrong during the implementation of the DevOps technique. It is expected that the team will arrive at steps that need to be made in order to avoid future failures when this meeting is held.
Q.18 What is the idea of sudo in the Linux operating system?
Sudo stands for'superuser do,' with the superuser being the Linux root user. It's a tool for Linux/Unix-based systems that allows users with superuser roles to use root-level system commands.
Q.19 Could you describe Jenkins' architecture?
Jenkins is built on a master-slave model. When a commit is made to the code, the master fetches the most recent version from the GitHub repository. The master instructs slaves to construct, test, and run test cases, as well as generate test case results. This burden is evenly spread across all slaves. Jenkins additionally uses several slaves since different test case suites may need to be performed for different environments once the code commits are completed.
Q.20 What is 'Pair Programming' and how does it work?
Pair programming is a programming technique in which two programmers collaborate on the same system, design, and code. They adhere to the "Extreme Programming" principles. One programmer is designated as the "driver," while the other is designated as the "observer," who regularly checks the project's progress in order to spot any potential problems.
Q.21 What is the Blue/Green Deployment Pattern, and how does it work?
A blue-green pattern is a continuous deployment, application release methodology that focuses on gradually transitioning user traffic from an earlier working version of the programme or service to an almost identical new release, both of which are running in production. The old version of the application would be represented by the blue environment, while the new version would be represented by the green environment. The production traffic would be gradually migrated from the blue to the green environment, with the blue environment remaining on hold in case of a rollback.
Q.22 What is the Dogpile Effect, and how does it work? What can be done to prevent it?
It's also known as cache stampede, and it happens when massive parallel computing systems using caching mechanisms are put under a lot of stress. When the cache expires (or is invalidated) and many requests are made to the website at the same time, this is referred to as the event. Implementing semaphore locks in the cache is the most popular means of preventing dogpiling. In this approach, when the cache expires, the first process to acquire the lock generates a new value for the cache.
Q.23 Mention a few of DevOps' most important advantages.
The following are the main advantages of DevOps: Advantages in terms of technology Software supply on a continuous basis Problems that are less difficult to solve Defects are detected earlier and corrected more quickly. Benefits to the company Features are delivered more quickly. Operating settings that are stable Collaboration and communication between teams have improved.
Q.24 In DevOps, what role does configuration management play?
Allows for the management and modification of numerous systems. Standardizes resource configurations, allowing IT infrastructure to be managed more efficiently. It aids in the administration and management of several servers while also ensuring the infrastructure's integrity.
Q.25 What is DevOps testing?

DevOps testing means testing at all stages of DevOps. It involves usage of tools for automation testing and continuous integration so as to test at each stage of Devops.

Q.26 Does DevOps include testing?

DevOps include testing as Devops is development and operations. Development of software needs testing so as to move to final build. Testing is done at each stage of DevOps. Also in agile and scrum methodology, DevOps include testing.

Q.27 What is the role of tester in DevOps?

The role of tester in DevOps is crucial as testing is done at each stage of DevOps. Testing provides immediate feedback of errors and development function, again fixes the same.  Tester not only develops test cases but also analyzes the test result hence, tester plays an important part in DevOps.

Q.28 What is test automation in DevOps?

Test automation in DevOps is automating the testing process in DevOps. Test automation uses automation tools in DevOps. As testing is important part of DevOps hence, test automation helps in fulfilling requirements under DevOps.

Q.29 Can tester learn DevOps?

Tester can learn DevOps. DevOps is development and operations and automating both to bring agility in software development and release. Tester can easily learn DevOps as testing is part of DevOps and in Agile methodology testing is done at each stage of DevOps.

With right focus, devotion, skills and training along with certification, tester can learn DevOps. Vskills provides certification and learning on Devops testing at link -

Q.30 Can QA become DevOps?

QA can become DevOps as quality assurance is now done at each stage of DevOps and require a continuous QA to adapt as per the CI/CD focus of DevOps.

QA can become DevOps by taking suitable training and certification, as from Vskills at -

Q.31 Is Selenium a DevOps tool?

Selenium is a DevOps tool as it is used for test automation of testing web and mobile applications.

You can learn and certify on Selenium at link -

Q.32 What is Agile methodology in DevOps?

Agile methodology in DevOps is putting Agile methodology in DevOps. Agile methodology is about continuous development and testing in iterative manner to fulfill customer requirement. Similar to Agile methodology is DevOps which is about automating development and operations to be more agile.

Q.33 What is Agile methodology in testing?

Agile methodology in testing is about implementing Agile methodology in software testing. Agile methodology involves following the Agile principles and following iterative continuous testing of the software. The continuous testing of the software is done at each stage of software development.


Catering to customer requirements is to be followed at each stage.

Q.34 Is agile killing QA?

Agile is not killing QA but making it more adaptable and relevant in current context.  QA is now integrated at each step in development under Agile methodology as it focuses on continuous development and testing.

Q.35 What is DevOps model?

DevOps model refers to using tools and following practices so as to automate development and operations of the software build, DevOps model is more agile, adaptable and flexible towards customer requirements.

DevOps model integrates and eases the development and operations under software development.

Q.36 What are the DevOps tools?

The DevOps tools are used in the DevOps process and usually includes various categories like

Versioning – Git

DevOps Automation – Jenkins, Puppet, Ansible

Test Automation – Selenium, Jmeter

Virtualization – Docker, Kubernetes

Build tool - Gradle

Q.37 Which certification is best for DevOps?

Certification best for DevOps should include being certified on all aspects of DevOps as done by Vskills as –


DevOps certificate -

DevOps Security -

DevOps Testing -

Q.38 Which certification is best for testing?

Certification best for testing are dependent upon your skills, testing type you want to certify upon and time you can provide for preparing and appearing for certification.

You should select testing certification by answering following questions

-          Does Hard copy or e-learning is provided?

-          Practice test for assessing oneself is given?

-          Are video demonstrations provided?

-          What is the alumni strength

Vskills provides the all the above and you can register for DevOps testing at link –

Q.39 Is there a DevOps certification?
Q.40 What is testing in DevOps?

Testing in DevOps, is essential part of DevOps. Devops is development and operations. Development of software needs testing so as to move to final build. Testing is done at each stage of DevOps. Also in agile and scrum methodology, DevOps include testing.

Q.41 Does DevOps need coding?

DevOps need coding but it is usually required in configuring DevOps, executing automation scripts for DevOps and generating results as per required performance.

Q.42 Is DevOps a good career?

DevOps is a good career choice. It is an upcoming domain with huge opportunities. Testing professionals can switch to DevOps field to have career progress by registering for Vskills certification on DevOps testing at link -

Q.43 Does DevOps require programming?

DevOps require programming usually in configuration, script preparation, etc but detailed programming is not needed.

Q.44 Is DevOps easy to learn?

DevOps is easy to learn if you are conversant with development, build operations and automation by using specific tools. Usually for fresher it takes learning of DevOps tools for automation, versioning, virtualization, build management and integration, to excel in DevOps, other than requisite experience.

Q.45 What is DevOps training?

DevOps training refers to training in DevOps. DevOps combines Development and Operations, and automates the whole Development/Operations process to make the whole process more flexible and respond to changes or errors in the application.

DevOps training is at link -

Q.46 How do I prepare for DevOps certification?

To prepare for DevOps certification, following steps be followed

-          Register for DevOps certification

-          Make a detailed preparation plan by allocating a specific time for preparation

-          Make goal of completing specific section by a specific date

-          Prepare and review your progress

-          Use preparation material to verify your preparation

-          Schedule and appear for DevOps certification exam

Q.47 How can I become a DevOps engineer?

Becoming a DevOps engineer requires being conversant with development, build operations and automation by using specific tools. Usually for fresher it takes learning of DevOps tools for automation, versioning, virtualization, build management and integration, to excel in DevOps, other than requisite experience.

Q.48 What are the skills required for DevOps?

The skills required for DevOps includes

-          Technical skills in using DevOps tools

-          Learning agility to know new tools

-          Logical for preparing scripts for automation

-          Team player to collaborate with other team members and other departments

Q.49 What is the difference between DevOps and developer?

The difference between DevOps and developer is that DevOps combines Development and Operations, and automates the whole Development/Operations process by using specific tools.

Developer on other hand is specifically focused on solving the user’s problem by developing the solution or software for same.

Q.50 Is there any certification for DevOps testing?

Yes, DevOps testing certification is at link -


Vskills offers following deliverables

-          Online video based, e-learning LMS

-          Hard copy to candidates residing in India

-          Practice tests for assessing your knowledge

-          Government certification

-          Alumni is in top software companies like Accenture, Cognizant, IBM, TCS, etc

Q.51 Is there any good link to practice my DevOps testing skills?

Yes, link to practice DevOps testing skills is at link -

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