What are some commonly used Android security testing tools, and how would you utilize them in your testing process?
Some commonly used Android security testing tools include: Mobile Security Framework (MobSF): It provides dynamic and static analysis of Android applications, including vulnerability scanning, malware analysis, and security testing. Burp Suite: It is a widely used tool for web application security testing, including intercepting and manipulating network traffic between an Android application and the server. OWASP ZAP: It is an open-source web application security scanner that can be used for testing the security of Android applications' APIs and web services. Drozer: It is a comprehensive security testing framework for Android, allowing dynamic analysis, exploitation, and finding vulnerabilities in Android applications. QARK: It is a static analysis tool specifically designed for Android applications, providing insights into security vulnerabilities like insecure logging, improper input validation, or insecure data storage. In the testing process, these tools can be utilized to identify security vulnerabilities, perform dynamic analysis, analyze network traffic, conduct static analysis, and validate the implementation of security controls.