Technical Writing

Here are the top interview questions on Technical Writing, the questions are submitted by professionals to help you to ace the job interview.

Q.1 Why you want to be a technical writer?
Being a technical writer helps me in fulfilling my passions of technology and writing. As a technical writer, I have enriched my technological and writing skills which I am enjoying as well.
Q.2 As a technical writer what steps you take to plan your work?
Planning one’s work is very important as it helps in scoping as per requirement and focusing on the end reader. Hence, at first the scope is developed after which it is specific tasks are developed and a schedule is prepared for delivery as per the priority of the task. Thus, this helps in time management and avoiding distractions.
Q.3 List the roles and responsibilities of a technical writer
A technical writer is responsible for development of documentation for the product or service which could be for technical users or end users which involves a good understanding of the product or service, taking help from SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) for better understanding and then illustrating the technical concepts or techniques by diagrams, videos etc. Technical writing also involves creating instructions, e-learning courses. Their main responsibility is to make technical content easy to understand.
Q.4 List the software tools used for technical writing
Many software tools are used by technical writers for technical writing depending upon the specific requirement whether it is management or development of document, blogs, e-learning, video, etc. Commonly used software tools are Adobe RoboHelp (for interactive content), WordPress (for information in blogs), Notepad++ (any coding related documentation), Microsoft Visio (for diagrams and charts), Powtoon (for animated videos), MadCap Flare (for help authoring), Windows Snipping tool (for screen capture) and Camtasia (to record and edit videos).
Q.5 What skills should a technical writer have?
A successful technical writer having skills related to writing and technical proficiency, which includes a clear and concise writing Skills, quick learner of new technical concepts, expert in documentation or technical writing software tools, excellent listening skills for grasping information from SMEs (Subject Matter Experts), designing skills for eye catching visuals or videos and good testing skills to ensure product working is as per the documentation.
Q.6 What activity you do on a daily basis as a technical writer?
As a technical writer on a daily basis I need to check the progress of my team for the ongoing projects, co-ordinate with stakeholders regarding delivery of the documentation or deliverables as per KPIs (key performance indicator), co-ordinating with SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and engage with the team for quick completion of the project.
Q.7 Describe a white paper
A white paper in technical writing refers to a concise and clear representation of the technical information about the product or service. A white paper refers to an authoritative technical report or guide which is used to convey technical information briefly and concisely, illustrating it in usually a guide of single or few pages.
Q.8 Differentiate amongst MS Word and Framemaker
Both MS Word and Framemaker or Adobe Framemaker is used in technical writing but they differ in their usage. MS Word is a word processing application software from Microsoft, is used for development and maintenance of various document types like letters, memo, mailing lists, table of contents, etc. whereas Framemaker or Adobe Framemaker is targeted specifically for large and complex business documents with options to export to print, web and CD-ROM.
Q.9 Differentiate amongst Structured Framemaker and Unstructured Framemaker
Both Structured Framemaker and Unstructured Framemaker are from Adobe. The Unstructured Framemaker is the earlier version of the Adobe Framemaker with a conventional interface having paragraph-based authoring whereas Structured Framemaker provides element-based authoring with features of Unstructured Framemaker and added function to author or publish XML documents.
Q.10 List any challenges you faced as a technical writer in information gathering
Information gathering is an essential part of technical writing and requires a competent technical writer for effective information gathering. Various challenges are faced during information gathering and the major ones are credibility of the source, SMEs or Subject Matter Experts level of support and co-ordination, expectations which are not clear, products not being properly defined, deficiency in understanding the expected audience and managing multiple projects at same time.
Q.11 How will a technical writer use UML?
UML expands to Unified Modelling Language and is used for modelling of systems and processes. UML is particularly useful in system design visualization, structuring and standardizing a common modelling language. UML facilitates specification, visualization and construction of system models by developers thus, easing the technical writing process for a technical writer along with the SMEs or Subject Matter Experts.
Q.12 Differentiate amongst XML and HTML
Both XML and HTML though are markup languages but have a great deal of differences. HTML expands to HyperText Markup Language and is focused on displaying data on a HTML page, its attributes and positioning, etc. whereas XML expands to extensible markup language is primarily used for data storage, structuring and representation independent of hardware and software.
Q.13 Describe DDLC in technical writing
DDLC in technical writing expands to Document Development Life Cycle which refers to the cyclic process of development of a document for more clarity and easy comprehension. Being a cycle it starts with requirement analysis of the need for the document to develop, designing of the document, developing the content of the document, editing or proofreading of the developed content or document, publishing the finalized document, and maintenance of the document then going back again to the first step of requirement analysis as the maintenance becomes non-feasible.
Q.14 List the SDLC phases
SDLC expands to Software or Systems development life cycle and is a cyclic process of development of a system or a software. SDLC has various steps or phases which are as the first phase being the requirement gathering and analysis, followed by design of new system, then implementation or software coding of new system, then the testing of the new system, implementation or software deployment of new system, and finally maintenance of the newly implemented system.
Q.15 List popular publication tools for technical writing
Publication tools enables publishing of the content as per desired output format whether the output format is a document like DOC. DOCX, PDF, etc or a blog or a wiki or web page. Many publication tools are used in technical writing and popular ones are Wordpress, Whatfix, MadCap Flare, Prezi, oXygen XML author, MediaWiki, etc.
Q.16 Describe topic-based authoring in technical writing
Topic-based authoring in technical writing refers to a type of content authoring which involves developing content specific to topics which can be re-used or mixed and matched, as per requirements instead of linear authoring as for a book.
Q.17 Sending information inside an organization can be done by which format?
An communication internal to an organization requires specific format type to be used for sending information and includes memos or electronic forms like e-mail for information being sent in an organization.
Q.18 How to deliver technical content?
Technical content delivery can be effectively and efficiently done by application programming interface or API based medium as it not only instructs the manner of usage of API but also provides an interface for integration in any system whether internal or external.
Q.19 Explain the need for using a call-out
A call-out refers to an explanation of a specific element pointed by an arrow or line with text explaining the element is present in a box or circle or similar graphic. Details provided in call out clarifies and illustrates the pointed element
Q.20 List the steps you take for developing a new topic for a technical writing project.
Developing a new topic for a technical writing project involves collecting all available information on the topic keeping the end user in focus i.e. from instructions, internet, etc. Then specific details on the topic as needed from the SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) is collated and noted in meeting with the SMEs. After collation of all relevant information, it is organized and first draft is readied which is reviewed and final copy is sent for final approval.
Q.21 Describe the utility of RoboHelp
RoboHelp or Adobe RoboHelp is a help authoring tool or HAT, for developing engaging help content, knowledge base articles and e-learning resources with easy navigation and support for popular content formats for various platforms. Adobe RoboHelp can create responsive HTML5 layouts which are accessible on any device.
Q.22 How will you approach Subject Matter Experts for your tasks?
I approach SMES or Subject Matter Experts as per task defined and requirement for information for development of technical documentation. Before approaching SMEs I prepare before hand by listing content details needed or questions to be answered by SMEs. Most sessions with SMEs are arranged by the company as per feasibility to both of us and sometimes I use my contact in my network to access a suitable SME by e-mail and arrange a meeting if needed. Any details needed from SME for clarity, are sent over e-mail so as to engage SMEs as brief as possible.
Q.23 What is your past experience in technical writing?
I am working in technical writing domain at senior position in reputed company as of now. Before the job I had blogged on technical articles and posted for technology companies as well.
Q.24 Tell me about yourself as a technical writer
As a technical writer I have written extensively for technology companies before taking up technical writing as full time profession. After taking up full time job I had gained considerable knowledge and skills in technical writing. Other than technical writing I am an avid reader, movie buff and a foodie.
Q.25 What you find of interest or passion in technical writing?
As a technical writer I am still fascinated with the new technological developments, and as I was earlier a blogger I had developed a passion in technical writing.
Q.26 What certification you have in technical writing?
I have taken citification for commercial software tools used in technical writing s available like Adobe RoboHelp certification. Other than the certification I also attend professional training, attended workshops, seminars and conferences as and when available. I focus on enhancing my knowledge and skills as a technical writer by continuous learning.
Q.27 Describe XSD as in XML language
XSD expands to XML Schema Definition is an integral part of XML document which defines the structure and data types for XML documents. Details of the elements and attributes are listed in it. It is also used for verification of each element in XM document as per its description.
Q.28 Detail about the information type in DITA
DITA information types are of three types which are concept, task and reference and all are also known as core information types because of their universal relevance. The task was categorized into general and strict task in DITA 1.2. Tasks illustrate the manner of performing a procedure. Concepts list detailed information and reference lists detailed facts.
Q.29 What do you understand by API documentation?
API documentation refers to delivering technical content with instructions to usage integration with other systems. It lists the functions, classes, return types and arguments with detailed examples for usage and integration.
Q.30 What will be your contribution to our organization as a technical writer?
As a technical writer, I will contribute by applying my technical writing skills to add efficiency and effectiveness to technical writing process and increase profits to the organization. I had implemented automation in the technical writing processes earlier which had greatly benefited in quality and efficiency of the process.
Q.31 Is there any challenging situation you faced as a technical writer?
Yes, there was a challenging situation which had a tight deadline but due to COVID-19 pandemic we were facing severe delays. I co-ordinated with the IT team for adding videoconferencing to all stakeholders and team members to speed up and catch up. We also kept the client in loop and they were considerate and appreciative of our efforts. After lockdown was lifted we increased our speed of delivery and were able to deliver within the deadlines.
Q.32 How you manage the client’s data related to technical writing project?
Technical writing involves access to client’s sensitive or proprietary data which needs to be secured. A detailed assessment is done related to level of data access to be provided to different employees. We use role based data access to data so that only designated employee or team member access that data as per their role or contribution in the project.
Q.33 What has been your experience with automation in technical writing?
Technical writing has been impacted with introduction of new technologies consisting of AI, big data, automation and RPA. I have extensive experience in designing and deploying RPA or robotic process automation based automation in technical writing project which has resulted in increased efficiency and quality with reduced costs.
Q.34 How do you see yourself in next five year in technical writing?
I foresee a bright future as I will gain more skills and knowledge in the domain of technical writing as I learn new technologies for automation and new tools being introduced for technical writing as needed by my organization for being competitive in the market for technical writing services.
Q.35 How you manage subordinates in your technical writing team?
A technical writing project is a team effort and all team members make the project successful. Supervising subordinates in my technical writing team is important for project’s success. I manage subordinate on the basis of, skill level they possess and accordingly the role to be assigned in the project. I also try to have a motivational environment for increased team productivity so as to comply with laid down KPIs (key performance indicators) for the project.
Q.36 How do you maintain discipline in your technical writing team?
A technical writing team can violate laid discipline norms in a company. Hence, to maintain discipline I ensure to make aware all team members of the applicable HR rules and regulatory laws for it. Also, a person meeting is done with the team member in case of any disciplinary action s hat the employee can correct him or herself.
Q.37 How do you assign goals to your technical writing team?
Technical writing projects are to be successfully delivered on time and within the budget. Hence, goals need to be defined and assigned accordingly. Goals are first defined as per SMART approach then as per the availability, skills and past performance of the team members, goals are assigned.
Q.38 Why you are suitable as technical writer?
As a technical writer, I am having extensive experience in most of the software tools of technical writing with required managerial skills of communication, problem solving and coping under pressure as essential for technical writing role.
Q.39 Do you feel satisfied with your role as technical writer?
Yes, I feel satisfied as technical writer as I am able to best utilize my technical and writing skills for effective technical writing and also manage efficiently and effectively the technical writing team in the organization. I like appreciation that I receive for my contribution.
Q.40 How you keep yourself updated of new trends in technical writing?
Technical writing is being impacted by various new technologies which aim to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Every year I keep myself updated by regularly following industrial and professional newsletter, attending industry seminars, conferences from various professional bodies and vendors of technical writing tools, as available online or offline.
Q.41 What are your strengths as a technical writer?
As a technical writer my greatest strength is my interest in technology and writing as well as my managerial skills in managing a team which has helped in succeeding in my career as a technical writer. I have gained exhaustive experience in the technical writing tools as well as managing the technical writing team.
Q.42 How you manage conflict in your technical writing team?
Disagreements amongst technical writing team members lead to conflicts and hence, the reason for disagreement is assessed. As per the situation we apply conflict management technique of collaborating, forcing, accommodating or compromising.
Q.43 How you will manage under performance of your subordinates in the technical writing team?
Managing under performance by technical writing team members is an important aspect of team management. Management of underperformance requires identifying and assessing the reason for the underperformance. We also have an open discussion with the team members to understand their view for addressing the underperformance.
Q.44 How do you prioritize technical writing related tasks?
Technical writing involves performing multiple tasks on a day to day basis. Hence, tasks should be prioritized for achieving the organizational goals as per the specified KPIs (key performance indicators) of the technical writing project. Task priority is dependent on the tasks relevance, urgency, cost involved and resource availability.
Q.45 How will you delegate tasks to subordinates in your technical writing team?
Technical writing is a process having many tasks, which needs to be managed to prevent any slip-ups or deviation in performance. Hence, delegating tasks is essential to maintain the performance level by delegating tasks to subordinates by their skill level, availability and past performance.
Q.46 How do you maintain paper work involved in technical writing?
Technical writing involves multitude of information in paper mode like approvals, plans, etc. hence, to address the huge paper work, we mostly use electronic data for data storage and minimize paper work. We also apply document organization to arrange required paper work with organization is done as per priority of the document which helps to maintain paper work involved in technical writing.
Q.47 How you manage your time for technical writing related tasks?
Technical writing for a project involves various tasks to be completed in a specific time frame with required KPIs (key performance indicator). Hence time management becomes essential and is achieved by using to do lists, being aware of time wasters and optimizing my work environment.
Q.48 List citation types and your favourite style
I am expert in and MLA citations and understand in application of different styles with preference for Chicago style for skipping some style formalities.
Q.49 Differentiate amongst a blog and a white paper?
A blog and white paper are very different content type and requires different treatment and development. A white paper refers to an authoritative technical report or guide to convey technical information briefly and concisely in 20000 to 3000 words for persuading the audience for the product or service being illustrated for purchase. A blog is a web based journal having specific opinion of the author or of the company and is made attractive with video or graphics of short length with a mechanism of posting comments against the blog post.
Q.50 List the most important aspect of technical writing
The most important aspect of technical writing is the representation of information of technical information by technical writing to be easy to understand by the end user.
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