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Visual Basic Interview Questions
Visual Basic Interview Questions and how to answer them in the job interview.
What are the different types In Ado?
The different types of ADO are -
1. Forward Only: Fastest, can only move forward in recordset.
2. Static: Can move to any record in the recordset. Data is static and never changes.
3. KeySet: Changes are detectable, records that are deleted by other users are unavailable, and records created by other users are not detected
4. Dynamic: All changes are visible.
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What are the four different locking type in Ado?
The four different locking type in Ado are -
1. LockPessimistic: Locks the row once after any edits occur.
2. LockOptimistic: Locks the row only when Update is called.
3. LockBatchOptimistic: Allows Batch Updates.
4. LockReadOnly: Read only. Can not alter the data.
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What is the purpose of Ole?
OLE abbreviated as Object linking and embedding, is built for using to other object classes like word, excel , autocad objects in our own applications, only thing we have to add reference for these objects.
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What is the objective pf Option Base In Vb6 ?
Option Base is defined as a set the Index of the Array to start from 0 or 1.
Like option explicit.. declare “Option base 1″ at the top. now the array will start from Index By default the index starts from 0.
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What is in process and out of process component?
The in-process component is implemented as a DLL, and it runs in the same process space as its client app, Which enables the most efficient communication between client and component. On the other hand an out of process component is implemented as an EXE, and unlike a dll, it runs in its own process space. Due to which exe’s are slower then dll’s since communications between client and component must be marshalled across process boundaries beforehand.
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Differentiate between Flexgrid and Dbgrid Control?
Firstlt, Microsoft FlexGrid (MSFlexGrid) is used to control displays and operates on tabular data. It allows programmatically sort, merge, and format tables containing strings and pictures.
On the other hand DBgrid is a spreadsheet-like bound control that displays a series of rows and columns representing records and fields from a ADO Recordset object.
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Name the type of controls available in Vb6 ?
There are two types of controls available -
1. Intrinsic controls - Default controls of VB6, These control are always available in VB6 Toolbox.
2. ActiveX controls - .These are extra controls which can be added into toolbox and this control having separate files (.ocx). Must be deployed separately along with application in other system.
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Differentiate between Image and Picture Box Controls?
Sizing behaviour of the image control is the point of difference from that of the picture box. Sizing box has a Stretch property while the picture box has an AutoSize property. Also picture box is a container control and support most of the graphics method.
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Name the different types of recordset available in Ado?
The different types of recordset available in Ado
a) Table-type Recordset - Hold records from single table and can add, edit and delete.
b) Dynaset-type Recordset - Can hold editable records from multiple tables.
c) Snapshot-type Recordset - Hold read only records from multiple tables,
d) Forward-only-type Recordset - Hold read only records from multiple tables without cursor.
e) Dynamic-type Recordset -Holds editable records from multiple tables and changes done by other user also visible.
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Differentiate between Modal and Moduless Window?
Modal form has exclusive focus in that application until it is dismissed. On the other hand Moduless form are not required exclusive focus and it is default when we show any form.
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How does objects on different threads communicate with each other?
All the processes communicate with each another through messages, using Microsoft’s Remote Procedure Call (RPC) technology to pass information to one another.
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How do you define the Query Unload and Unload Event in form?
the Query unload event occur in a first and then unload event occurs, such that in MDI form we can trac child form closing status by using this event.
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What are the different locking type available in Ado?
The different locking type available in Ado -
a) LockPessimistic - Locks the row once after any edits occur.
b) LockOptimistic - Locks the row only when Update is called.
c) LockBatchOptimistic - Allows Batch Updates.
d) LockReadOnly - Read only. Cannot alter the data.
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Differentiate between in passing values Byref Or Byval To A Procedure?
Following are the points of difference - a) ByRef -pass the address of variable not value b) ByVal - pass the value
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What do you understand by strong name in .NET assembly?
We can define Strong Name as an important feature of .Net that is used to identify shared assembly uniquely. Such that Strong name has solved the problem of creating different object with same name and it can be assigned with the help of Sn.exe.
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List the different types of assembly.
The two types of assembly namely–
Private – A private assembly is normally used by a single application and it is stored in application’s directory.
Public – A public assembly or shared assembly is stored in Global Assembly Cache(GAC) which can be shared by many applications
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What do you understand by INTERNAL keyword in .Net Framework?
We can define INTERNAL keyword as one of the access specifier that will be visible in a given assembly such as in a DLL file. It forms a single binary component and is visible throughout the assembly.
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What do you understand by Option Strict and Option Explicit?
In general, .Net permits implicit conversion of any data types. In order to avoid data loss during data type conversion, Option Strict keyword is used and ensures compile time notification of these types of conversions. The Option Explicit is the keyword used in a file to explicitly declare all variables using declare keywords like Dim, Private, Public or Protected. Such that if undeclared variable name persists, an error occurs at compile time.
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What do you understand by Manifest?
Manifest is a text file which is being used to store metadata information of .NET assemblies. File type of Manifest can be saved as a type PE. Assembly Name, Version, Culture and key token can be saved as a Manifest.
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Differentiate between Dispose and Finalize()?
Finalize method is referred by Garbage collector that helps us to make free of unmanaged resources. There are some other resources like window handles, database connections are handled by iDisposable interface. On the other hand Dispose method is handled by IDisposable interface to explicitly release unused resources. Such that Dispose can be called even if other references to the object are alive.
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Can you code in Visual Studio?
Visual Studio Code is a free coding editor that assists in starting coding immediately. Practice it to code in any programming style, without switching editors. Visual Studio Code has assistance for many languages, involving Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, and more.
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Is Visual Basic Dead?
Visual Basic (VB.NET) will proceed to be approved by Microsoft. Hence It's not dead. The writing will no longer have new characteristics added to it.
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What is a boilerplate code example?
In programming, boilerplate code is sections of code that are replicated in various places with little variation. When practicing languages that are supposed verbose, the programmer must draft a lot of code to achieve only minor functionality.
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What replaced Visual Basic?
NET (VB.NET), is a multi-paradigm, object-oriented language, executed. NET, Mono, and the. NET Framework. Microsoft originated VB.NET in 2002 as the replacement to its original Visual Basic language, the last version of which was Visual Basic 6.0.
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What is Visual Studio Code IDE?
Visual Studio Code is a modernized code editor with assistance for development services like task running, debugging, and version control. It endeavors to present the tools a developer requires for a fast code-build-debug cycle and leaves complicated workflows to fuller featured IDEs, like Visual Studio IDE.
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How do you run an XML file in Visual Studio?
To see the documentation in VS Code, start the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and choose XML: Open XML Documentation, the vscode-XML documentation homepage. The setting descriptions now include links to the documentation.
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What is XML vs JSON?
(JavaScript Object Notation) JSON is a lightweight data-interchange form and it is completely language-independent. (XML) Extensible Markup Language is a markup language that determines a collection of rules for encoding documents in a form that is both machine-readable and human-readable.
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Explain a short circuit logical or operator.
In Java logical operatives, if the evaluation of a logical expression exits in between before comprehensive evaluation, then it is called a Short-circuit. If there is an expression with &&(logical AND), and the first operand itself is false, then a short circuit occurs, the further expression is not estimated, and false is returned.
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How do you practice a snippet code?
With a code file open in the editor, pick Snippets > Insert Snippet from the right-click menu, then My Code Snippets. You must see a snippet known as Square Root. Double-click it. The snippet code is injected into the code file.
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How do you generate an XML file?
Click File > New > Other. A window opens in which one can pick a wizard. Expand XML, select XML Schema File, click Next. The Create XML Schema wizard opens. Select a parent folder and enter a file name for your XML schema file. Click Finish.
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Is Visual Studio helpful for Python?
One of the most modern code editors open to programmers, Visual Studio Code, is an open-source, extensible, lightweight editor possible on all platforms. Its qualities make Visual Studio Code from Microsoft very successful, and a good platform for Python development.
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What is XPathNavigator?
An XPathNavigator object is constructed from a class that performs the IXPathNavigable interface like the XPathDocument and XmlDocument classes.
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Which section of textbox cannot be modified at runtime. What is the max size of a textbox?
Name, If it is an array of TextBox, then its index, Parent control. The size is 256 characters
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What is a short circuit in programming?
Short-circuiting is a programming theory by which the compiler jumps the accomplishment or evaluation of some sub-expressions in a legitimate expression. The compiler checks evaluating the more sub-expressions as soon as the value of the expression is defined.
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Define the Immense window.
The Immediate Window is an immensely valuable device for debugging applications. It can be practiced to achieve code statements that are confirmed in the context of a breakpoint and examine values.
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Which is a logical operator?
A logical operator is a word or symbol utilized to relate two or more expressions like the value of the aggregate expression allowed depends only on that of the original words and on the purpose of the operator. Simple logical operators include AND, OR, and NOT.
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Difference between Listbox and combo box.
Listbox has various items to pick from while Combobox gives a text box with a Listbox so that users can also provide input in case required.
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What is the .NET platform?
NET is a cross-platform, free, open-source developer program for building several various kinds of applications. NET, we can use various languages, editors, and libraries to strengthen for mobile, web, desktop, games, and IoT.
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What is the shortcut to open an immediate window?
Press Ctrl + Q to concentrate on Quick Launch text box. Type Immediate then choose the item that appears: Debug -> Windows -> Immediate (Ctrl + Alt + l)
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How do you fix a short circuit?
Conclude which appliance has a short in it. Place the wires in the device that is creating the short. Get a new wire to substitute the damaged one. Unravel a length of insulated copper wire from a spool and cut the wire so it’s the length you need, etc.
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Explain the use of immediate window in VB.
We can practice the immediate window in VB to get the current values of variables and to run additional code.
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What is XML vs JSON?
(JavaScript Object Notation) JSON is a lightweight data-interchange form and it is completely language-independent while (XML) Extensible Markup Language is a markup language that describes a collection of rules for encoding records in a form that is both machine-readable and human-readable.
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How do you convert XML to JSON?
To transform an XML document to JSON, Select the XML to JSON response from the Tools > JSON Tools table. Choose or enter the Input URL of the XML document. Choose the path of the Output file that will contain the resulting JSON document.
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Is the boilerplate the same as the template?
A template gives the construction and layout for a report. A boilerplate gives actual text and images.
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Is Visual Studio code a compiler?
No, it does not appear with its own VS compiler, except for "ASP.NET, Node. js, or TypeScript". But it is the leading cross-platform improvement tool in the Visual Studio family, for a clear definition of the word "development tool". Use Visual Studio Code Tasks to complete programs to compile or make.
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How do one clear Immediate windows?
To clear the immediate window, one can use >cls, which is a predefined command alias to >Edit.
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Is C# and .NET the same?
C# is a programming language, whereas. NET is the structure on which the language is constructed. NET developers will practice programming languages like C#.
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What is an XPath query?
(XML Path Language) XPath is a query language that can be utilized to query data from XML documents. It is based on a tree description of the XML document and selects nodes by a type of criteria.
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What does the V mean in logic?
The symbol that is applied to represent the OR logical disjunction operator is ∨. It follows the letter V of the alphabet.
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What are the differences between the Command and Immediate windows?
The Command window can place DLLs or packages into the IDE as well. The Immediate window, on the opposite hand, is individually used during debugging and is helpful to perform statements, print values of a contextual variable, or even evaluate expressions.
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What is the significant limitation of the new edit-and-continue feature of Visual Studio 2005
No support for ASP.NET web application
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What is the utility of the information in the My.Application object?
The utility of the information in the My.Application object is : 1. Get the exact version number 2. Record some diagnostic details 3. Check with a web service to make sure about the latest version of an assembly
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What are the features of ClickOnce?
The features of ClickOnce are: 1. automatically create a setup program 2. configure application to check for updates automatically every time it starts 3. configure application to use an online-only mode
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What are the advantages of the Navigate( ) method against the Url property?
The advantages of the Navigate( ) method against the Url property are: 1. To launch a standalone browser window 2. To load a document into a specific frame in the current page.
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Which level of My objects, provide information about the assembly and its version, the folder where the application is running?
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