Machine Learning with Python

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are the trending technologies in 2019. Machine Learning (ML), globally recognized as a key driver of digital transformation. So if you want to become a part of it then you must need a sound knowledge and these interview question can also help you to some extent. Checkout these now !!

Q.1 Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised machine learning.
Firstly, supervised learning requires training labelled data. For instance, in order to do classification (a supervised learning task), we would require to first label the data which would use to train the model to classify data into your labelled groups. On the other hand unsupervised learning, does not require labelling data explicitly.
Q.2 How does a ROC curve works?
ROC curve refers to a graphical representation of the contrast between true positive rates and the false positive rate at various thresholds. RIOC curve often used as a proxy for the trade-off between the sensitivity of the model (true positives) in contrast to the fall-out or the probability it will trigger a false alarm (false positives).
Q.3 What is your favourite algorithm, and can you explain it in a minute?
Such a question asked to assess the understanding of the candidate of how to communicate complex and technical nuances with poise and the ability to summarize quickly and efficiently. It is very important to ensure you must have a choice and make sure to explain different algorithms so simply and effectively that a child could understand the basics quickly.
Q.4 How can you explain a Fourier transform?
Fourier transform is defined as a generic method to decompose generic functions into a superposition of symmetric functions. This considered as more intuitive tutorial puts it, given a smoothie, it’s how we find the recipe. The Fourier transform finds the set of cycle speeds, amplitudes and phases to match any time signal. A Fourier transform converts a signal from time to frequency domain — such that it is a very common way to extract features from audio signals or other time series such as sensor data.
Q.5 What do you understand by deep learning, and how does it contrast with other machine learning algorithms?
Deep learning is defined as a subset of machine learning that is concerned with neural networks and how to use back propagation and certain principles from neuroscience to more accurately model large sets of unlabelled or semi-structured data. Deep learning represents an unsupervised learning algorithm that learns representations of data through the use of neural nets.
Q.6 Differentiate between a generative and discriminative model?
Generative model helps to learn categories of data while a discriminative model will simply learn the distinction between different categories of data. Such that discriminative models will generally outperform generative models on classification tasks.
Q.7 What do you understand by the F1 score and how can you use it?
F1 score is defined as a measure of a model’s performance. F1 score is a weighted average of the precision and recall of a model, with results tending to 1 being the best, and those tending to 0 being the worst. We can use it in classification tests where true negatives don’t matter much.
Q.8 Give examples where ensemble techniques might be considered useful.
Since ensemble techniques uses a combination of learning algorithms to optimize better predictive performance. They typically reduce overfitting in models and make the model more robust. Thereafter list some examples of ensemble methods, from bagging to boosting to a “bucket of models” method and demonstrate how they could increase predictive power.
Q.9 How can we ensure that we are not overfitting with a model?
Since it is a simple restatement of a fundamental problem in machine learning therefore the possibility of overfitting training data and carrying the noise of that data through to the test set, thereby providing inaccurate generalizations. There are three main methods to avoid overfitting:
1. Keep the model simpler: reduce variance by taking into account fewer variables and parameters, thereby removing some of the noise in the training data.
2. Use cross-validation techniques such as k-folds cross-validation.
3. Use regularization techniques such as LASSO that penalize certain model parameters if they’re likely to cause overfitting.
Q.10 How can we handle missing or corrupted data in a dataset?
We could find missing/corrupted data in a dataset and either drop those rows or columns, or decide to replace them with another value. There are primarily two very useful methods - isnull() and dropna() that will help to find columns of data with missing or corrupted data and drop those values. Such that if you want to fill the invalid values with a placeholder value (for example, 0), you could use the fillna() method.
Q.11 What kind of experience do you have with Spark or big data tools for machine learning?
In order to answer this question it is very important to be familiar with the meaning of big data for different companies and the different tools that they will want. Here, spark is the big data tool most in demand now, which is able to handle immense datasets with speed. But in case if you do not have experience with the tools demanded, then you must take a look at job descriptions and see what other tools pop up that would be of interest.
Q.12 Differentiate between a linked list and an array?
Firstly, We define an array as an ordered collection of objects, where on the hand a linked list is a series of objects with pointers that direct how to process them sequentially. Secondly an array assumes that every element has the same size, unlike the linked list, where on the other hand a linked list can more easily grow organically. Thirdly, an array has to be pre-defined or re-defined for organic growth, where on the other hand shuffling a linked list involves changing which points direct where — meanwhile, shuffling an array is more complex and takes more memory.
Q.13 How can you implement a recommendation system for the company’s users?
In general there a lot of machine learning interview questions that involve implementation of machine learning models to a company’s problems. You are required to have a good research about the company and its industry in-depth, especially the revenue drivers the company has, types of users the company takes with reference to the industry it is in.
Q.14 In order to generate revenue how should we implement your machine learning skills?
One of the most tricky questions and your answer will demonstrate knowledge of what drives the business and how your skills could relate. For instance, if you were interviewing for music-streaming company, then you could remark that your skills at developing a better recommendation model could increase user retention, which would then increase revenue in the long run.
Q.15 What do you know about our current data process?
This type of question needs an well researched answer which could impart feedback in a manner that is constructive and insightful. The purpose of the interviewer is to try to gauge if you would be a valuable member of their team and if you would be able grasp the nuances of why certain things are set the way they are in the company’s data process based on company-or industry-specific conditions. The interviewer wants to see if you can be an intellectual peer to them or not.
Q.16 Where do you usually source datasets?
These kind of questions try to get at the heart of your machine learning interest. So someone who is truly passionate about machine learning will have gone off and done side projects on their own, and holds a good idea of what great datasets are out there.
Q.17 Illustrate some factors that explain the success and rise of deep learning?
Success of deep learning in the past decade can be explained by three main factors -
1. More data - The availability of massive labelled datasets allows us to train models with more parameters and achieve state-of-the-art scores. Other ML algorithms do not scale as well as deep learning when it comes to dataset size.
2. GPU - The training models on a GPU can reduce the training time by orders of magnitude compared to training on a CPU. Currently, cutting-edge models are trained on multiple GPUs or even on specialized hardware.
3. Improvements in algorithms - The ReLU activation, dropout, and complex network architectures have also been very significant factors.
Q.18 What do you understand by data augmentation and can you illustrate some examples?
Data augmentation can be defined as a technique for synthesizing new data by modifying existing data in such a way that the target is not changed, or it is changed in a known way. Computer vision is one of fields where data augmentation is very useful. There are many modifications that we can do to images such as resize, horizontal or vertical flip, rotate, add noise, deform, modify colours etc. Such that each problem needs a customized data augmentation pipeline. For instance on OCR, doing flips will change the text and won’t be beneficial; however, resizes and small rotations may help.
Q.19 What is a hash table?
We can define a hash table as a data structure that produces an associative array. Such that a key is mapped to certain values through the use of a hash function. They are often used for tasks such as database indexing.
Q.20 What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on developing algorithms that allow computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed.
Q.21 How is Machine Learning different from traditional programming?
In traditional programming, explicit instructions are provided to solve a problem, while in Machine Learning, algorithms learn patterns and rules from data to make decisions.
Q.22 What are the main categories of Machine Learning algorithms?
The main categories are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.
Q.23 Explain supervised learning.
In supervised learning, the algorithm learns from labeled data, making predictions or classifications based on input features and known outcomes.
Q.24 Give an example of a supervised learning problem.
Predicting housing prices based on features like square footage, number of bedrooms, and location using historical sales data.
Q.25 What is unsupervised learning?
Unsupervised learning involves algorithms that learn from unlabeled data to discover patterns, relationships, or groupings within the data.
Q.26 Provide an example of an unsupervised learning problem.
Clustering customers based on their purchase behavior without any predefined customer segments.
Q.27 Explain reinforcement learning.
Reinforcement learning involves training agents to make sequences of decisions by rewarding them for taking good actions and penalizing bad ones.
Q.28 Give an example of reinforcement learning.
Training a robot to navigate a maze by rewarding it for reaching the goal and penalizing it for hitting obstacles.
Q.29 What is a feature in Machine Learning?
A feature is an individual measurable property or characteristic of data, often represented as columns in a dataset.
Q.30 What is a target variable (label) in supervised learning?
The target variable is the outcome or label that the algorithm aims to predict or classify based on input features.
Q.31 What is data preprocessing in Machine Learning?
Data preprocessing involves tasks like cleaning, transforming, and scaling data to make it suitable for training Machine Learning models.
Q.32 What is the purpose of data splitting in Machine Learning?
Data splitting separates the dataset into training and testing sets to evaluate the model's performance on unseen data.
Q.33 What is overfitting in Machine Learning?
Overfitting occurs when a model learns to perform well on the training data but fails to generalize to new, unseen data due to capturing noise or irrelevant patterns.
Q.34 How can overfitting be mitigated?
Techniques to mitigate overfitting include using more data, feature selection, regularization, and cross-validation.
Q.35 What is cross-validation?
Cross-validation is a technique used to assess a model's performance by splitting the data into multiple subsets, training on one subset, and testing on the others.
Q.36 Explain the bias-variance trade-off.
The bias-variance trade-off describes the balance between a model's ability to fit the training data (low bias) and its ability to generalize to new data (low variance).
Q.37 What are hyperparameters in Machine Learning models?
Hyperparameters are settings or configurations that are set before training a model and can affect its performance. Examples include learning rates and tree depths.
Q.38 How do you tune hyperparameters?
Hyperparameters can be tuned through techniques like grid search, random search, or Bayesian optimization.
Q.39 What is a decision tree in Machine Learning?
A decision tree is a supervised learning algorithm that models decisions or decisions based on input features, represented as a tree-like structure.
Q.40 Explain the concept of entropy in decision trees.
Entropy is a measure of impurity or disorder in a dataset and is used to determine the best splits in a decision tree.
Q.41 What is a random forest?
A random forest is an ensemble learning method that combines multiple decision trees to improve predictive accuracy and reduce overfitting.
Q.42 What is a support vector machine (SVM)?
SVM is a supervised learning algorithm used for classification tasks that find a hyperplane that maximizes the margin between different classes.
Q.43 Explain the kernel trick in SVM.
The kernel trick allows SVMs to transform data into higher-dimensional spaces to find non-linear decision boundaries.
Q.44 What is logistic regression?
Logistic regression is a classification algorithm used for binary or multiclass classification tasks, modeling the probability of class membership.
Q.45 What is regularization in Machine Learning?
Regularization techniques like L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) are used to prevent overfitting by adding penalties to the model's complexity.
Q.46 What is the difference between L1 and L2 regularization?
L1 adds a penalty based on the absolute value of coefficients, encouraging sparsity, while L2 adds a penalty based on the square of coefficients, allowing small non-zero values.
Q.47 What is gradient descent?
Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to update model parameters iteratively to minimize the loss function and improve model performance.
Q.48 Explain the concept of batch gradient descent.
Batch gradient descent updates model parameters using the gradients computed from the entire training dataset in each iteration.
Q.49 What is stochastic gradient descent (SGD)?
SGD updates model parameters using gradients computed from a randomly selected subset (mini-batch) of the training data in each iteration.
Q.50 What is the learning rate in gradient descent?
The learning rate is a hyperparameter that controls the size of the steps taken during gradient descent. It influences the convergence speed and stability of the algorithm.
Q.51 What is a neural network in Machine Learning?
A neural network is a model inspired by the human brain's structure, consisting of interconnected nodes (neurons) organized in layers.
Q.52 What is a deep learning neural network?
A deep learning neural network has multiple hidden layers, allowing it to learn complex hierarchical representations from data.
Q.53 What is an activation function in a neural network?
An activation function introduces non-linearity to neural network layers, allowing them to model complex relationships in data. Common examples include ReLU and sigmoid.
Q.54 What is backpropagation in neural networks?
Backpropagation is an algorithm used to update neural network weights by propagating errors backward from the output to the input layer.
Q.55 Explain the concept of a convolutional neural network (CNN).
CNNs are specialized neural networks designed for processing grid-like data, such as images, using convolutional layers to capture spatial patterns.
Q.56 What is transfer learning in deep learning?
Transfer learning is a technique where a pre-trained neural network is used as a starting point for a new task, saving training time and data.
Q.57 What is recurrent neural network (RNN)?
RNNs are neural networks designed for sequence data, with connections that loop back, allowing them to capture sequential dependencies.
Q.58 Explain the vanishing gradient problem in RNNs.
The vanishing gradient problem occurs when gradients become too small during backpropagation in deep RNNs, hindering learning of long sequences.
Q.59 What is a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network?
LSTM is a type of RNN that addresses the vanishing gradient problem by introducing gating mechanisms, allowing it to capture long-term dependencies in sequences.
Q.60 What is a natural language processing (NLP) task?
NLP tasks involve using Machine Learning to analyze, understand, or generate human language text, such as sentiment analysis or language translation.
Q.61 What is a tokenization in NLP?
Tokenization is the process of splitting text into individual words or tokens, making it suitable for analysis.
Q.62 Explain the concept of word embeddings in NLP.
Word embeddings are dense vector representations of words in a way that captures semantic relationships, enabling algorithms to understand word meanings.
Q.63 What is a recurrent neural network (RNN) used for in NLP?
RNNs are used in NLP for tasks like text generation, sentiment analysis, machine translation, and speech recognition due to their sequence modeling capabilities.
Q.64 What is a transformer model in NLP?
Transformers are a type of deep learning model designed for NLP tasks, using self-attention mechanisms to capture contextual information effectively.
Q.65 What is the attention mechanism in transformer models?
Attention mechanisms in transformers allow the model to focus on specific parts of the input sequence, improving its ability to capture relationships between words.
Q.66 What is a recommendation system in Machine Learning?
A recommendation system suggests items or content to users based on their preferences and behavior, such as movie recommendations on Netflix.
Q.67 Explain the collaborative filtering recommendation approach.
Collaborative filtering recommends items based on user behavior and similarities between users or items.
Q.68 What is content-based filtering in recommendation systems?
Content-based filtering recommends items to users based on their previous interactions and the characteristics of items.
Q.69 What is the cold start problem in recommendation systems?
The cold start problem occurs when a recommendation system struggles to provide recommendations for new users or items with limited data.
Q.70 What is a confusion matrix in classification problems?
A confusion matrix is a table that summarizes the performance of a classification model by showing the true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives.
Q.71 What is precision in a classification evaluation metric?
Precision measures the ratio of true positives to the total predicted positive cases and indicates the model's accuracy in identifying positive instances.
Q.72 Explain recall in a classification evaluation metric.
Recall (sensitivity) measures the ratio of true positives to the total actual positive cases and represents the model's ability to capture all positive instances.
Q.73 What is the F1 score in classification evaluation?
The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing a balanced measure of a model's performance in binary classification.
Q.74 What is ROC-AUC in classification evaluation?
ROC-AUC (Receiver Operating Characteristic - Area Under the Curve) measures the model's ability to distinguish between positive and negative cases across different thresholds.
Q.75 What is a ROC curve in classification evaluation?
A ROC curve visualizes a model's performance by plotting the true positive rate (recall) against the false positive rate for different threshold values.
Q.76 Explain the concept of imbalanced datasets in classification.
Imbalanced datasets have a disproportionate distribution of class labels, making it challenging to train models that perform well on minority classes.
Q.77 How can you address imbalanced datasets in Machine Learning?
Techniques for addressing imbalanced datasets include resampling (oversampling or undersampling), using different evaluation metrics, and using synthetic data generation.
Q.78 What is the curse of dimensionality in Machine Learning?
The curse of dimensionality refers to the challenges and increased computational complexity that arise when dealing with high-dimensional data.
Q.79 What is dimensionality reduction in Machine Learning?
Dimensionality reduction techniques aim to reduce the number of input features while preserving essential information, improving model performance and efficiency.
Q.80 Explain Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in dimensionality reduction.
PCA is a linear technique that identifies orthogonal axes (principal components) along which the data has the most variance and projects the data onto a lower-dimensional subspace.
Q.81 What is the difference between regression and classification in Machine Learning?
Regression predicts continuous numerical values, while classification predicts discrete categorical labels or classes.
Q.82 Explain k-fold cross-validation in Machine Learning.
K-fold cross-validation divides the data into k subsets (folds), training the model on k-1 folds and testing on the remaining fold in each iteration, allowing for robust model evaluation.
Q.83 What is bias in Machine Learning models?
Bias in Machine Learning models refers to systematic errors or inaccuracies in predictions, often due to overly simplified assumptions or limited data.
Q.84 What is variance in Machine Learning models?
Variance in Machine Learning models refers to their sensitivity to variations in training data, often leading to overfitting when the model captures noise.
Q.85 What is ensemble learning in Machine Learning?
Ensemble learning combines multiple models to improve predictive performance and reduce overfitting, examples include random forests and gradient boosting.
Q.86 Explain bagging in ensemble learning.
Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) trains multiple copies of the same model on bootstrapped subsets of the data and aggregates their predictions to reduce variance.
Q.87 What is boosting in ensemble learning?
Boosting trains multiple weak learners sequentially, with each one focusing on the mistakes of the previous one, effectively reducing bias and improving accuracy.
Q.88 What is deep learning in Machine Learning?
Deep learning involves training neural networks with many hidden layers (deep architectures) to learn complex representations from data.
Q.89 Explain the concept of a loss function in Machine Learning.
A loss function quantifies the difference between predicted and actual values, guiding the optimization process during model training.
Q.90 What is transfer learning in the context of neural networks?
Transfer learning involves using a pre-trained neural network as a starting point for a new task, fine-tuning specific layers for the new data.
Q.91 Explain the concept of backpropagation in neural networks.
Backpropagation is an algorithm used to compute gradients and update model weights during the training of neural networks.
Q.92 What is the vanishing gradient problem in deep neural networks?
The vanishing gradient problem occurs when gradients become very small during backpropagation, hindering the training of deep networks with many layers.
Q.93 What is a convolutional neural network (CNN) used for?
CNNs are used for tasks involving grid-like data, such as image recognition, where they use convolutional layers to detect spatial patterns.
Q.94 Explain the concept of a recurrent neural network (RNN).
RNNs are used for sequence data, and they have connections that loop back, allowing them to capture dependencies in sequential data.
Q.95 What is an LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) network?
LSTM is a type of RNN that addresses the vanishing gradient problem and is well-suited for modeling sequences with long-term dependencies.
Q.96 What is a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)?
GANs are a type of deep learning model consisting of a generator and discriminator that compete, often used for generating realistic data.
Q.97 Explain the concept of natural language processing (NLP).
NLP involves using Machine Learning to analyze, understand, or generate human language text, enabling tasks like chatbots and language translation.
Q.98 What is tokenization in the context of NLP?
Tokenization is the process of breaking text into individual words or tokens, which facilitates analysis and processing.
Q.99 What is a word embedding in NLP?
Word embeddings are dense vector representations of words that capture semantic relationships, enabling algorithms to understand word meanings.
Q.100 How does a recommendation system work?
Recommendation systems analyze user behavior and preferences to suggest items or content that users are likely to be interested in.
Q.101 What is the collaborative filtering approach in recommendation systems?
Collaborative filtering recommends items based on user behavior and similarities between users or items.
Q.102 Explain content-based filtering in recommendation systems.
Content-based filtering recommends items based on user profiles and item characteristics, matching user preferences with content features.
Q.103 What is a confusion matrix in classification evaluation?
A confusion matrix is a table that summarizes the performance of a classification model by showing true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives.
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