Working with Agents in your Office

Nearly all agents are independent contractors earning no base salary and depending entirely on their own skills, actions and activities to create income. This commission based culture breeds competition within the industry and within the company. The trick is to balance the competition with cooperation.

  • Use other agents as mentors: Nearly all agents owe a debt to some other agent who helped them along the road to success, and they feel a sense of obligation to repay the favour by being similarly helpful to a new agent like you. Find a mentor. When you do, be respectful of the mentor’s time, take action on the mentor’s advice or counsel, report back on the success you achieve, and say thanks over and over again.
  • Help other agents serve their clients better: Agents announce their “haves and wants” – the homes they’re working to sell and the homes they’re seeking for clients – and few agents even tune in. Be an exception.
Working with other Real Estate Agents
Time Management for a Successful Real Estate Consultant

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