Certified Windmill Testing Professional

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Govt. Certified Windmill Testing Professional

Certified Windmill Testing Professional

1. Installing

1.1 Installing Windmill from a pre-built package
1.2 Installing Windmill From Source
1.3 Installing for Development

2. Running Windmill

2.1 Command Line Utility
2.2 Actions
2.3 Browsers and URLs
2.4 The Shell Environment

3. Preferences File

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Example

4. Building Tests

4.1 IDE
4.2 Python Tests
4.3 JavaScript Tests

5. IDE

5.1 Starting the IDE
5.2 Recording Tests
5.3 Editing Tests
5.4 Playing the Tests
5.5 Saving Tests
5.6 DOM Explorer
5.7 Assertion Tool
5.8 Firebug Lite Integration
5.9 Output & Performance Tabs
5.10 Settings Dialog
5.11 System
5.12 IDE/Recorder

6. Python Tests

6.1 Passing Variables from the command line

7. JavaScript Tests

7.1 Test Setup and Parsing
7.2 Test Phases
7.3 Organizing Your Tests
7.4 The initialize.js file
7.5 Running Your Tests in a Specific Order
7.6 Test Formats
7.7 Single functions
7.8 Controller API Command Objects
7.9 Asserts
7.10 Waits
7.11 Calling actions directly from JavaScript
7.12 The special “waits.forJS”
7.13 Grouping tests in arrays
7.14 JSUnit-Compatible Asserts
7.15 Namespacing Tests
7.16 Running JavaScript Tests
7.17 Developing Tests — Running Specific Tests or Phases
7.18 Running only a specific test
7.19 Running only a specific phase of your test
7.20 Directly from the command line
7.21 Testing code which arguments native objects

8. Running Tests

8.1 Running and Loading
8.2 Running Tests from Nose
8.3 Running JavaScript Tests

9. Variable Registry

9.1 Test Variable Registry

10. Proxy Chaining

11. Controller API

11.1 Usage Examples
11.2 windmill.controller.commands
11.3 Variable Registry

12. Unit Tests

12.1 Local Tests
12.2 Internet Tests
12.3 JavaScript Tests
12.4 Python Tests
12.5 Framework Tests

13. Django Integration

13.1 Executing tests from Django’s test System
13.2 Using manage.py test_windmill

14. SSL Support

14.1 Install PyOpenSSL
14.2 Install Windmill’s Certificate Authority
14.3 Installing CA on Windows
14.4 Installing CA on Mac OS X

15. Advanced Windmill

15.1 Launching firefox with your own profile
15.2 Extensions
15.3 wxWindmill

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