What Makes a Good Story? An Introduction to the ABT Framework (And, But, Therefore)

A good story is one that engages, inspires, and resonates with its audience. It has a clear structure, compelling characters, and a satisfying resolution. One effective framework for crafting compelling narratives is the ABT (And, But, Therefore) framework.

Understanding the ABT Framework

The ABT framework is a simple yet powerful tool for structuring stories. It consists of three main elements:

  • And: This introduces a positive or neutral event that sets the stage for the story.
  • But: This introduces a conflict or obstacle that challenges the protagonist’s goals.
  • Therefore: This presents the resolution or outcome of the story, often resulting from the protagonist’s actions in response to the conflict.

By following this structure, you can create stories that have a clear beginning, middle, and end, and that keep your audience engaged throughout.

The Power of the ABT Framework

The ABT framework is effective because it:

  • Creates tension: The “but” element introduces tension and conflict, which is essential for keeping the audience interested.
  • Provides a clear structure: The ABT framework provides a clear structure for your story, making it easier to plan and execute.
  • Encourages character development: The conflict introduced in the “but” element often forces the protagonist to grow and evolve.
  • Leads to a satisfying resolution: The “therefore” element provides a satisfying conclusion to the story, resolving the conflict and leaving the audience with a sense of closure.

Example: Using the ABT Framework

Story: A young woman dreams of becoming a writer, but her family discourages her. Therefore, she decides to pursue her dream despite their objections.

  • And: A young woman dreams of becoming a writer.
  • But: Her family discourages her.
  • Therefore: She decides to pursue her dream despite their objections.

As you can see, the ABT framework provides a simple yet effective way to structure your stories. By using this framework, you can create more compelling and engaging narratives that resonate with your audience.

Introduction to the GAME Framework
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