Web Testing Types

Various types of testing are performed on a website which usually includes

  • Functionality Testing – It tests for all the links in web pages, database connection, forms used in the web pages for submitting or getting information from user, cookie testing, Validate HTML/CSS and Database testing.
  • Usability Testing – It tests for navigation and content checking for being meaningful and grammatically correct.
  • Compatibility Testing – It checks for Different browser compatibility, different operating system compatibility, viewing in mobile and other portable devices like tablet and testing for how the web page will print.
  • Performance testing – Web application should sustain to heavy load. Web performance testing is further divided as
    • Web Load Testing – System sustenance if many users are accessing or requesting the same page, simultaneous user requests and large input data from users.
    • Web Stress Testing – It stretches the system beyond its specification limits to know how system reacts to stress and how system recovers from crashes.
  • Security Testing – It tests the authorization and authentication mechanism of the web site as well as how the web site reacts to various types of cyber attacks.
Cross-site Scripting Attack
A/B Testing

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