This application holds a set of Django template filters useful for adding a “human touch” to data. To activate these filters, add ‘django.contrib.humanize’ to your INSTALLED_APPS setting. Once you’ve done that, use {% load humanize %} in a template, and you’ll have access to the filters described in the following sections.
apnumber – For numbers 1 through 9, this filter returns the number spelled out. Otherwise, it returns the numeral. This follows Associated Press style. Examples:
- 1 becomes “one”.
- 2 becomes “two”.
- 10 becomes “10”.
You can pass in either an integer or a string representation of an integer.
intcomma – This filter converts an integer to a string containing commas every three digits. Examples:
- 4500 becomes “4,500”.
- 45000 becomes “45,000”.
- 450000 becomes “450,000”.
- 4500000 becomes “4,500,000”.
You can pass in either an integer or a string representation of an integer.
intword – This filter converts a large integer to a friendly text representation. It works best for numbers over 1 million. Examples:
- 1000000 becomes “1.0 million”.
- 1200000 becomes “1.2 million”.
- 1200000000 becomes “1.2 billion”.
Values up to 1 quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) are supported.
You can pass in either an integer or a string representation of an integer.
ordinal – This filter converts an integer to its ordinal as a string. Examples:
- 1 becomes “1st”.
- 2 becomes “2nd”.
- 3 becomes “3rd”.
You can pass in either an integer or a string representation of an integer.