Viewport I – Navigating Within the Viewport

The Viewport in Unreal Engine is where you design and interact with your levels. It is your workspace for placing, adjusting, and visualizing objects in 3D. Navigating the Viewport effectively is essential for creating your project efficiently. This guide will teach you how to move around and explore the Viewport.

Step 1: Understanding the Viewport

  • The Viewport is the 3D window where you can see and build your level.
  • You can move, rotate, zoom, and adjust your view to inspect your project from any angle.

Step 2: Moving Around the Viewport

  • Use the following controls to navigate:
    • Right Mouse Button (RMB): Hold and move the mouse to look around.
    • W, A, S, D Keys: Move forward, left, backward, and right (like in a video game).
    • Q Key: Move down.
    • E Key: Move up.
    • Mouse Scroll Wheel: Zoom in or out.

Step 3: Adjusting the Camera Speed

  • To control how fast or slow you move:
    1. Look at the top-right corner of the Viewport.
    2. Use the Camera Speed Slider to adjust the speed.
    3. Lower the speed for precise movements, or increase it for faster navigation.

Step 4: Changing View Mode

  • You can view your level in different ways to inspect details:
    • Lit Mode: Shows the level with lighting and shadows.
    • Unlit Mode: Removes lighting to show plain colors and textures.
    • Wireframe Mode: Displays the level as a grid of lines to see structure details.
    • To change modes, click on the dropdown menu at the top-left corner of the Viewport.

Step 5: Focus on Selected Object

  • To center your view on a specific object:
    1. Select the object in the Viewport or World Outliner.
    2. Press the F Key, and the camera will focus on that object.

Step 6: Orbit Around an Object

  • To inspect an object from all sides:
    1. Select the object.
    2. Hold Alt + Left Mouse Button (LMB) and move the mouse to rotate around it.

Step 7: Switching Between Perspectives

  • Unreal Engine offers multiple perspective views:
    • Perspective View: See the level in 3D.
    • Top, Front, Side Views: View the level from specific angles in 2D.
    • To switch, click on the View Mode dropdown in the Viewport toolbar.

Step 8: Using Snapping Tools

  • To make precise adjustments:
    • Enable Grid Snapping for object movement.
    • Enable Rotation Snapping for rotating objects at fixed angles.
    • Enable Scale Snapping for resizing objects uniformly.
    • Toggle these options using the icons in the toolbar above the Viewport.

Step 9: Full-Screen Viewport

  • Press F11 to make the full-screen.
  • Press F11 again to return to normal view.

Mastering navigation in the Viewport allows you to explore your level efficiently, adjust objects with precision, and bring your ideas to life smoothly. Practice these controls to become comfortable moving around in Unreal Engine’s 3D space!

Select Editing Mode
Viewport II – Moving, Rotating, and Scaling

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