Using Generics

Generics, introduced in Go 1.18, provide a powerful way to write more flexible and reusable code. They allow you to define types and functions that can work with multiple data types, promoting type safety and reducing code duplication. In the context of gRPC, generics can be used to create more generic and flexible service implementations.

Defining Generic Types

To define a generic type, you use the type keyword followed by a type parameter enclosed in square brackets.


type List[T any] []T

This defines a generic List type that can hold elements of any type.

Generic Functions

You can also define generic functions that can work with multiple data types.


func Find[T comparable](slice []T, target T) int {
    // ...

Generic Constraints

You can specify constraints on type parameters to limit the types that can be used with a generic type or function.


type Comparable[T any] interface {
    Compare(other T) int

func Find[T Comparable[T]](slice []T, target T) int {
    // ...

Using Generics in gRPC

Generics can be used in gRPC to create more flexible and reusable service implementations. For example, you can define generic functions to handle common tasks, such as validation or data conversion.



type Validator[T any] interface {
    Validate(value T) error

func ValidateRequest[T any](request *pb.MyRequest, validator Validator[T]) error {
    // ...

Benefits of Using Generics

  • Type safety: Generics help ensure type safety by enforcing constraints on the types that can be used with a generic type or function.
  • Code reuse: Generics can help reduce code duplication by allowing you to write functions that can work with multiple data types.
  • Flexibility: Generics make your code more flexible and adaptable to changing requirements.
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