Using Bugzilla

Using Bugzilla

To use Bugzilla effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Install Bugzilla on a server or hosting environment. You can download the latest stable release from the Bugzilla website ( and follow the installation instructions provided in the documentation.
  2. Configuration: Once installed, you need to configure Bugzilla to fit your organization’s needs. This involves setting up parameters such as database connection details, email settings, authentication methods, and access controls. Bugzilla provides a web-based administration interface to manage these configurations.
  3. User Management: Create user accounts for individuals who will use Bugzilla. Assign appropriate roles and privileges based on their responsibilities. Bugzilla supports various user authentication methods, including username/password, LDAP, and single sign-on.
  4. Bug Reporting: Users can report bugs by logging into Bugzilla and navigating to the “New” or “File a Bug” section. They will need to provide relevant details about the bug, including its severity, description, steps to reproduce, and any attached files or screenshots. Bugzilla allows users to search for existing bugs before filing a new one to avoid duplication.
  5. Bug Tracking: Once bugs are reported, Bugzilla provides tools to track and manage them efficiently. Bugs can be assigned to specific developers or teams, categorized by components, prioritized, and labeled with appropriate status (e.g., open, in progress, resolved). Bugzilla also allows users to add comments, update bug information, and attach additional files as needed.
  6. Bug Resolution: Developers can work on fixing the reported bugs. They can update the bug’s status, provide progress updates, and attach patches or code changes. Bugzilla facilitates communication between developers and testers, allowing them to collaborate on bug resolution.
  7. Bug Verification: Testers can verify the fixed bugs by following the steps mentioned in the bug report. They can update the bug’s status to indicate whether the fix was successful or if further action is required.
  8. Communication and Collaboration: Bugzilla provides communication tools, such as email notifications and comments, to facilitate collaboration among team members. Users can subscribe to specific bugs or components to receive updates and participate in discussions.

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