Use of Bonuses

Bonuses are different from commissions-a bonus is an amount paid for accomplishing a specific sales task; a commission varies in amount with sales volume or other commission base. Bonuses are paid for reaching a sales quota, performing promotional activities, obtaining new accounts, following up leads, setting up displays, or carrying out other assigned tasks. The bonus, in other words, is an additional financial reward to the salesperson for achieving results beyond a predetermined minimum.

Bonuses are never used alone-they always appear with one of the three main sales compensation methods. If used with the straight salary, the plan resembles the combination plan. If used with the straight commission, the result is a commission plan to which an element of managerial control and direction has been added. If used with the combination salary and commission plan, the bonus becomes a portion of the incentive income that is calculated differently from the commission.

Certain administrative actions are crucial when a bonus is included in the compensation plan. At the outset, the bonus conditions require thorough explanation, as all sales personnel must understand them. The necessary records must be set up and maintained. Procedures for keeping sales personnel abreast of their current standings relative to the goals are needed. In addition, any bonus misunderstandings or grievances arising should be dealt with fairly and tactfully.

Deriving Compensation Plans from Marketing Strategies

Marketing StrategyObjectivesSales TasksRecommended Compensation Plan
BuildBuild sales volumeCall on prospective and new   accounts Provide high service levels, particularly presale service Product / market feedbackSalary plus   Incentive
HoldMaintain sales volume Consolidate market position through concentration on targeted segments Secure additional outletsCall on targeted current Accounts Increase service levels to current accounts Call on new accountsSalary plus   commission or bonus
HarvestReduce selling costs Target profitable accountsCall on and services most   profitable accounts only and eliminate unprofitable accounts Reduce service levels Reduce inventoriesSalary plus   bonus
Divest/   liquidateMinimize selling costs and clear out inventoryInventory dumping Eliminate serviceSalary
Combination Salary-and-Incentive Plan
Fringe Benefits

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