Types of paints

Classification on the basis of binders

  • Oil paints
  • Non-oil resin paints
  • Cellulose paints
  • Water based paints
  • Miscellaneous paints

Classification based on ultimate use

  • General purpose paints
  • (primers, under coat paint and finishing coat paint)
  • Acid and alkali resistant paints
  • Fire resistant paints
  • Fungicidal paints
  • Miscellaneous paints

Mixed Classification

  • Aluminium paint – Finely ground Aluminium suspended in quick drying spirit varnish or slow drying oil varnish. After evaporation of the spirit or oil a thin layer of aluminium is left behind.
  • It is weather resistant, water proof, heat reflective, corrosion resistant, etc.
  • Anti corrosive paint – Used to protect mettalic surfaces from effects of moisture, fumes, acids, etc. Consists of a drier and a colouring pigment mixed with sand.
  • Asbestos paint – Special purpose paint used for painting surfaces that are exposed to steam and acidic gases. Used in gutters, pouts, flashings, etc.
  • Bituminous paint – Made by dissolving asphalt, tar and mineral pitches in naptha, petroleum or white spirit. Used for painting structural steel under water and surfaces exposed to alkali action.
  • Bronze paint – Made of nitro cellulose lacquer and aluminium bronze or copper bronze as colouring pigments and used mainly on radiators.
  • Casein paint – Casein is a protein substance that is extracted from milk curd and mixed with white pigments. Available in both pasty and power forms.
  • Cellulose paint – This paint is used to give a very smooth finish and is unaffected by hot air, smoke, etc.
  • Cement based paint – Type of water paint where coloured cements form the base. Used for painting exterior surfaces as it is water proof and durable.
  • Colloidal paint – Does not contain inert materials and takes time to settle.
  • Emulsion paint – Contains binding materials such as polyvinyl lacetate, styrene, alkyd and other synthetic resins. Dries quickly and has high workability and durability.
  • Enamel paint – Contains metallic oxide, oil, petroleum, spirit and resinous matter.
  • Graphite paint – Has black colour and is used to paint metallic surfaces.
  • Inodorous paint – Contains white lead or zinc white mixed with methylated spirit.
  • Oil paint – Oil paintis a type of slow-drying paint that consists of particles of pigment suspended in a drying oil, commonly linseed oil. The viscosity of the paint may be modified by the addition of a solvent such as turpentine or white spirit, and varnish may be added to increase the glossiness of the dried oil paint film.
  • Plastic paint – Contains plastic as base which constitutes the main constituent.
  • Silicate paint – Prepared by mixing calcinated and finely ground silica with resinous substances. Silica imparts good adhesion to the paint.
Ingredients of paint
The painting process

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