Transactions between a Venturer and Joint Venture

When venturer transfers or sells assets to Joint Venture, the venturer should recognise only that portion of the gain or loss which is attributable to the interests of the other venturers. The venturer should recognise the full amount of any loss only when the contribution or sale provides evidence of a reduction in the net realisable value of current assets or an impairment loss.

When the venturer from the joint venture purchases the assets, venturer will not recognized his share of profits in the joint venture of such transaction unless he disposes off the assets. A venturer should recognise his share of the losses resulting from these transactions in the same way as profits except that losses will be recognised in full immediately only when they represent a reduction in the net realisable value of current assets or an impairment loss.

In case the joint venture is in the form of separate entity then provisions of above the Para will be followed only for consolidated financial statement and not for venturer’s own financial statement. In the books of venturer, profit or loss from such transactions are recognised in full.

Consolidated Financial Statements of A Venturer

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