Let us discuss the “Training Evaluation”.
Evaluation means the assessment of value or worth. Training Evaluation is the act of Judging whether or not it is worthwhile in terms of set criteria (objectives).
A comprehensive and effective training evaluation plan is a critical component of any successful training programme. It should be structured to generate information of the impact of training on the reactions; on the amount of learning that has taken place; on the trainees I behavior; and its contribution to the Job/ organization. Therefore training evaluation is a Measure of how well it has met the needs of its human resources. An index of contribution of training to organizational success through evaluation strengthens training as a key organizational activity
Definition: Training Evaluation
Hamblin (1970) defined evaluation of training as: “Any attempt to obtain information (feedback) 01) of the effectiveness of training programme and to assess the value of training in the light of that information for improving further training.
Need for Training Evaluation
Since evaluation is an integral part of the whole process of training and development the details have to be conceived much before the actual training activity; rather-than its ritualistic tagging at the end of training. The trainer should be fairly clear of:
- How to evaluate
- What to evaluate
- When to evaluate
Answers to these questions are dependent on the need for evaluation.
Why Evaluate:
- To determine the extent and degree of a training programme fulfilling its set objectives and interlaid indication
- The suitability and feasibility of the objectives set for training
- Provide feedback on the performance of the trainees, and training staff, the quality of training, other facilities provided during training
- Identify and analyze whether the training inputs, training techniques and methods were in line with the objectives intended t6 be achieved through training
- Enable improvements in the assessment of training needs
- Aid the learning process of the trainee by providing knowledge of results
- Provide a self-correcting feedback system to improve the design and implementation of current and future training
- Highlight the impact of training on the behavior and performance of the individual
- Determine the cost benefit returns from training investment
- Judge the impact of training for organizational benefits Unfortunately most organizations assess training outcome in terms of the number of courses carried out, numbers trained cost incurred on such training and the reaction of the participants towards the course, the- faculty and the overall training facilities.
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