Training Day Checklist Tutorial | Train the Trainer

Training Day Checklist

Here’s a convenient last-minute training day checklist to make sure everything is ready for your training,

Dress appropriately: Use your viewer’s examination to know what to wear. In general, match your way of dress to that of your trainees or you can go a little more professional.

Arrive early: Give yourself time to check final preparations and get yourself psychologically prepared for the session.

Check seating arrangements: Make sure the set-up is perfect for the training style you want to use and have some more seats for any last-minute learners.


Training Day Checklist


Check room temperature: Adjust it suitably for the number of individuals who will be in the room and the size of the space you all will be residing in.

Check electrical outlets: Make sure all your links are safe. Do not track strings through pathways or burden the surge guard strips.

Check window-darkening equipment: Make sure that the blinds or shades are functioning well.

Check arrangements: Make sure you have everything you require comprising of the training area for the whole time needed.

Lay out classroom supplies: If you will be representing tools or equipment, make sure you have every essential thing you need.

Lay out course materials: Decide whether to put assistances on a table for trainees to pick up on the way in or to lay them at every chair.


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