Certified Trademark Law Analyst

Certified Trademark Law Analyst Tutorials

The Certified Trademark Law Analyst requires an international and comparative outlook to intellectual property and covers different jurisdictions. This certification program evaluates a candidate as per the firm’s requirements for trademark protection and management and guides them on different areas in TRIPS, WTO, WIPO, copyright, trademarks, Madrid agreement, Indian Trade Marks Act, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents, PCT.

Why become a Certified Trademark Law Analyst?

This certification exam is introduced for practitioners and graduates who want to develop their skills in this department. It is applicable for those who are already working, this certification will give them more employment opportunities with higher earning potential. In today’s market, there is a huge demand and value of skilled employees, if you want to be different from others it is mandatory to have an extra skill, this certification will develop that skill in you.

Who should take this certification?

Job seekers who are looking for employment opportunities after graduation and wish to make their CV’s stronger this certification is highly recommended for them. Practioners who want to work in legal or IPR department of different companies can also attempt this certification program.

Roles and responsibilities of a Certified Trademark Law Analyst

To undertake all the activities is a daunting task for any professional therefore make sure you know about the tasks before applying for the exam.

  • To supervise licensed trademark attorneys
  • To undertake Trademark legal work diverse
  • To undertake Trademark prosecution attorneys apply for trademark protection
  • To handle court cases involving who has rights to different trademarks and other trademark matters
  • To function as a Trademark lawyer and rely on trademark paralegals to assist them as much as possible in helping get the work done within the bounds of legal and ethical rules.
  • To handle all the issue and crisis related to trademark 

Benefits of taking Vskills Certification

Vskills being India’s largest certification provider gives candidates access to top exams as well as provides after exam benefits. This includes:

  • The certifications will have a Government verification tag.
  • The Certification is valid for life.
  • Candidates will get lifelong e-learning access.
  • Access to free Practice Tests.
  • Candidates will get tagged as ‘Vskills Certified’ On Monsterindia.com and Shine.com
Vskills Exam Process

Exam Details

  • Exam Duration: 60 minutes
  • Vskills Exam Code: VS-1159
  • Number  of questions: 50
  • Maximum marks: 50
  • Passing marks: 25 (50%)
  • Exam Mode: Online
  • There is NO negative marking in this module.

Course Details

The Certified Trademark Law Analyst exam covers the following topics –

Certify and Increase Opportunity.
Govt. Certified Trademark Law Analyst

1. Globalization, WTO and TRIPS

1.1 Globalization, Technological Advancement and IPRs
1.2 World Trade Organization (WTO)
1.3 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement
1.4 Paris Convention
1.5 Intellectual Property Rights and India

2. Copyright and Related Rights

2.1 Advantages of Copyright
2.2 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
2.3 Indian Copyright Act, 1957
2.4 Frequently Asked Questions on Copyright

3. Trade Marks

3.1 History and Meaning of Trade Marks
3.2 Functions of Trade Marks
3.3 Recent Developments and Trends in Trade Marks
3.4 Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol
3.5 Geographic Scope of Protection of a Trade Mark
3.6 New Progress in China’s Trade Mark Protection
3.7 Fraudulent Online Identity Sanctions Act
3.8 International Trade Mark Law Harmonization
3.9 Future Trends and Current Problems

4. Trade Marks Law in India

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Indian Trade Marks Act, 1999
4.3 Leading Case Laws in Trade Marks
4.4 Suggestions

5. Laws Relating to Geographical Indications (GIs)

5.1 Geographical Indications under TRIPS
5.2 Indian Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999

6. Laws Relating to Industrial Designs

6.1 Industrial Design Rights
6.2 Advantages of Industrial Design Rights
6.3 Indian Designs Act, 2000
6.4 Frequently Asked Questions about Designs Act

7. Patents Including the New Varieties of Plants

7.1 Patents in Historical Perspective
7.2 Classification of Patents
7.3 Advantages of Patents
7.4 Indian Patent Act, 1970
7.5 Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT)
7.6 Neem Patent
7.7 Jeevani (Kani Tribe)
7.8 Frequently Asked Questions about Patents
7.9 Indian Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act, 2001

8. Laws Relating to Layout Designs of Integrated Circuit (IC)

8.1 Integrated Circuit Layouts
8.2 Utility Model
8.3 Indian Semi-conductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design Act, 2000

9. Protection of Undisclosed Information (Trade Secrets)

9.1 Meaning and Scope of Trade Secrets
9.2 Trade Secrets Protection
9.3 Trade Secrets Infringement
9.4 Tips for Safeguarding Trade Secrets

Preparation Guide for Vskills Certified Trademark Law Analyst

For candidates who are appearing for this professional exam the real task for them is to prepare well before the examination. Organizing and Scheduling is the most important part and that can only happen after you have a reliable preparation guide. The following preparation guide consists all quality resources and steps which are mandatory for the examination.

Certified Trademark Law Analyst Preparation Guide
Step 1 – Review Exam Objectives

The most essential and mandatory step is you must go through the syllabus of the exam. The syllabus will notify you about the topics that you will be learning, whether you have knowledge regarding it or not. This helps you in planning the preparation routine as well.

  • Globalization, WTO and TRIPS
  • Copyright and Related Rights
  • Trade Marks Law in India
  • Laws Relating to Geographical Indications (GIs)
  • Laws Relating to Industrial Designs
  • Patents Including the New Varieties of Plants
  • Laws Relating to Layout Designs of Integrated Circuit (IC)
  • Protection of Undisclosed Information (Trade Secrets)

Refer: Certified Trademark Law Analyst Brochure

Step 2 – Learning with Books

Books are a comprehensible source of gaining knowledge. It provides us with all the fundamental concepts. Books grow our basic language skills and profoundly expand our vocabularies as well. One of the most amazing benefits is that books develop new Ideas in our head. The top 3 books for this certification exam are mentioned Below.

Registered Trademark by Cheryl Lorraine Hodgson. This book will provide you with deep insights into registered trademark for valuable brand names. It has mentioned many challenges to identify and protect intangible assets that increase the bottom line.

The Writers Legal GPS by Matt knight. It is one the essential books for trademark examination which will highlight topics like how countless creatives navigate the legal challenges of the publishing world and trademark world.

Patent, Copyright and trademark by Richard Stim Attorney. This book is primarily about terminology that surrounds patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. It will also explain legal rights, creations, products, or inventions.

Step 3 – E-learning and Study material

E-learning gives you quality information and education which is very easy for anybody to learn. Online learning is a fun journey where the journey starts when the learner is learning and ends when the learner is successful. Vskills offers you its E-Learning Study Material and its hard copy as well, to supplement your learning experience and exam preparation. Moreover, this online learning material is available for a lifetime and is updated regularly. 

Refer: Certified Trademark Law Analyst Sample Chapter

Step 4 – Check your Progress with Practice Tests

If you want to know how much are you prepared for the examination, self assessment is the best method to do that. It will give you an overview regarding your progress and weakness. Attempting a mock test is a great way to change your study strategy and it will give you best results in the real examination.

Certified Trademark Law Analyst Practice Tests
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