The Trade Union Act, 1926

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The Trade Union Act, 1926

The Trade Union Act, 1926, deals with the registration of trade unions- their responsibilities, rights, and liabilities. Also, it ensures that the proper utilization of their funds is done. The registered trade unions get their legal and corporate status from it. Therefore, it also seeks to protect them from civil or criminal prosecution. So, that for the benefit of the working class, they could carry on their legitimate activities. The Act applies not only to the union of workers but also to the association of employers. Thus, it extends to the whole of India.The Trade Union Act, 1926


The Section 2 of the Act gives definition to various terms used in the Act. Thus, some of the definitions are as follows:

Executive- means the body, management of the affairs of a trade union is entrusted by whatever name called.

Office-bearer – in the case of a trade union, office bearer is that which includes any member of the executive thereof. But an auditor is not included in it.

Registered office – this means trade union’s registered office. This is registered under this Act as the head office thereof for all the works related to union.

Registered trade union – this means a trade union registered under this Act.

Trade dispute – means any dispute between employers and workmen, or between workmen and workmen, or between employers and employers which is connected with the employment or non-employment, or the terms of employment, etc.

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