The Seven Basic Steps in Negotiation

The negotiation process entails definite steps, even though they may flow easily into each other. The following seven simple steps will do very well in implementing an effective negotiation process and will cover all the critical elements of the negotiation process.

Step 1: Getting to know the negotiators

Once you have answered that and are aware of your own goals, approach, and attitude, proceeds next to being aware of the other person. If you can get information on individual backgrounds, that can prove to be an excellent channel to the significance placed on the issues and the level of expertise on the subject. As the process starts, you should observe, listen, and learn. A good approach is to keep the beginning friendly and relaxed, yet professional.

Know the Level of Authority – Since agreement is the crucial goal of any negotiation, it is imperative to know from the start the level of authority of the party you are negotiating with.

Step 2: Stating Goals and Objectives

Positive Communication – Effective communication and active listening are critical at this stage. The person making the opening statement should then wait for feedback from the other party to understand if both parties have matching goals and objectives.

Step 3: Starting the Process

Combining or Splitting Issues – Often issues are multi-layered, so the solution to one is interlinked with the solution to another.

Step 4: Revealing Disagreement and Conflict

Step 5: Narrowing the Gap between Negotiators

Step 6: Finding Alternatives for Resolution

Step 7: Agreement in Principle, Settlement, and Acknowledgment.


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