The Daily Standup
In this section, we will learn about The Daily Standup. Therefore, let’s begin.
The practice of the daily stand-up provides a forum for regular status updates. Moreover, it brings issues immediately into focus for quick action. It is because of its fast feedback which helps the teams react to change successfully, and makes it imperative that the daily stand-up be one of the first essential routines that any Agile team establish, regardless of office locations.
- Firstly, the daily status meeting lasts 15 minutes or less
- Secondly, uses three key questions to create commitment and remove blocks
- What I did yesterday
- What I’ll do today and
- I am blocked by..
- Thirdly, no problem solving occurs in the daily stand-up
- Lastly, participants usually stand to ensure the meeting is over quickly
- First things first, the team evaluates how to deliver to the iteration plan
- After that, team members inform each other of their commitment for the day
- Moreover, provides visibility on delays and hurdles
Attended By:
- Firstly, the scrum master, product owner, and the delivery team
- Secondly, stakeholders and customers. However, they only observe and do not participate.
The Product Backlog:
Product backlog incorporates the following:
- A list of all the work which needs to be done.
- A ranked list of briefly-described feature requests.
Characteristics of the Product Backlog:
- One backlog per product
- Backlogs can be done by a single team or by multiple teams.
- It helps guide the planning structure.
- It helps teams focus to deliver the highest value first.
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