Learning Selenium

Learning Selenium



Let’s start by learning Selenium. At the moment, Capybara supports Selenium 2.0 (Webdriver), not Selenium RC. In order to use Selenium. So, you need to install the selenium-webdriver gem and add it to your Gemfile if you’re using bundler. Moreover, make sure that Firefox is installed so that everything is set up for you. Also, you should be able to start using Selenium right away.

However, drivers who run the server in a different thread may not share the same transaction as your tests. As a result, causing data not to be shared between your test and test server, see “Transactions and database setup” below002E

Selenium has these nice bindings to control real browsers in Ruby. Capybara uses them to interact with the browser. To get started, make sure you do have “firefox” and “java” in your $PATH, otherwise, it will not work as expected. Of course, you need a Ruby installation too.

You need to install “capybara” gem as a dependency. Selenium is a dependency and you don’t even have to require it directly. Here’s a script that checks our main page for tagline text:


$ gem install capybara

require ‘capybara’

session = Capybara::Session.new(:selenium)

session.visit “http://www.samplewebsite.com”


if session.has_content?(“Ruby on Rails web development”)

puts “All shiny, captain!”


puts “:( no tagline fonud, possibly something’s broken”




$ ruby check_ samplewebsite.rb

All shiny, captain!

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