Business Intelligence Tutorial | Technical terms

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Technical Terms used in Business Intelligence.

Technical terms VskillsAdhoc Query: The ability to create a query in a Business Intelligence Tools (software) format so that the BI tool can drill down the information to response to a question quickly.

Aggregation: Combine all the information into a single user understandable form like sets, list or graphs so that in a predefine pattern.

Atomic Data: The top most level of granularity of data present in data warehouse.

Attribute: Any specification of an object. Attribute used as the column or in other form when preparing reports in tabular format, graphical format or in textual format.

Cube: A computer based online analysis technique used for business intelligence. It can represent the data into 0 or multidimensional format which can be viewed from any angle and can also apply “Drilldown method” or “Slice and Dice method” to search the data.

Data: The raw facts and figure. Most crucial part of Business Intelligence tools. Every report is prepared using the past, present or future (expected) data.

Data Mart: A collection of data set from date warehouse which are logically related and can be used to serve the problem of business particularly of a department or a particular subject area.

Database: A central system which store all the data in a structured (sometime semi-structured or unstructured) form so that the data can be obtain in a convenient manner and a very quick data retrieval.

Data warehouse: A central repository which contains n number of databases is known as data warehouse. For a well organized corporation data warehouse is compulsory as to attain the integrity and maintainability of organization projects.

Forecasting: A process used in decision making using prediction model methodology.

Measures: Any piece of information, which is valuable for analysis for a particular department or particular subject area.

Matrix: Represent the data into the forms of rows and column.

Normalization: Standards followed while creating a database.

ETL: Short for Extract-Transform-and Load, ETL is the means by which data is pulled from a data source (extracted), scrubbed (transformed), and written (loaded) into the destination database.

KPI: It stands for Key Performance Indicator. These indicators are measures that are important to the business, typically relating to the overall health of its operation.


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