Some common protocols and their ports
FTP– It is File Transfer Protocol to transfer files between PC. Connect to a FTP server, on port 21 by FTP client software like FileZilla.
SSH– Secure Shell exchanges data between PC on a secured channel on port 22.
TELNET – It is Telecommunication network (Telnet) to give remote access to PC by command line using port 23.
SMTP – It is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol to send email. E-mail client software send e-mail to SMTP server on port 25.
HTTP – It is Hypertext Transfer Protocol to give web pages from a web server to web browser on port 80.
POP3 – It is Post Office Protocol Version 3 and used by email clients to get email from a mail server on port 110.
HTTPS – It is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure to sends and receives web information like HTTP securely by using Transport Layer Security protocol by port 443.
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