Switches and LED Switch Status

Switches and LED Switch Status

Switches usually come with LEDs to indicate their status. The status LED lights can help network administrators in monitoring and troubleshooting the network. The following are some of the common LED switch status:

Power: Indicates that the switch is receiving power.

System: Indicates the status of the switch itself, such as power-on self-test (POST), boot-up, or software errors.

Link/Activity: Indicates the status of each port, such as whether the port is connected, active, or experiencing errors.

Duplex: Indicates the duplex mode of the port, such as half or full-duplex.

Speed: Indicates the speed of the port, such as 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1 Gbps.

PoE: Indicates whether the port is providing power over Ethernet (PoE) to a connected device.

The LEDs can be in different colors, such as green, amber, or red, and may blink, flash, or stay solid to convey different information about the switch’s status.

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