Starting Appium

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Starting Appium

There are primarily two ways of starting Appium –

  • Firstly we can start the Appium server, either by running it from the command line like so (by assuming the NPM install was successful)
  • Secondly, by clicking the huge Start Server button inside of Appium Desktop.

Thereafter, Appium will show you a little welcome message showing the version of Appium you’re running and what port it’s listening on (the default is 4723). In general, this port information is vital since you will have to direct your test client to make sure to connect to Appium on this port. But, in case you want to change, the port, you can do so by using the -p flag when starting Appium (check the full list of server parameters).

Starting Appium Server from Command Line

  1. Download and install the Node and NPM tool – Download and install latest Node MSI from This will also install NPM tool.
  2. Install Appium through Command line – Open command prompt as Administrator and type following command and hit Enter. It will start installing latest version of Appium.
    3. Starting Appium Server – Now type appium in command prompt and hit Enter in order to start the Appium Server.
    4. Appium server has now started at default port number : 4723. We can also start the Appium server on different port number using following command :

appium –port <Port number>


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