Spry Controls and validation

Spry Controls and validation

Spry Controls are a set of pre-built, interactive user interface components available in Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. These controls allow web designers to easily add functionality to their web pages without having to write a lot of custom code.

Some examples of Spry Controls include accordion panels, tabbed panels, and form validation widgets. Accordion panels and tabbed panels allow designers to create expandable and collapsible content areas on their web pages, while form validation widgets help ensure that user-submitted data meets certain criteria, such as being in a valid email format or containing a certain number of characters.

In addition to providing pre-built controls, Dreamweaver CS5 also includes a Spry Validation framework that makes it easy to add client-side validation to web forms. This framework includes a set of pre-built validation widgets that can be easily added to forms using Dreamweaver’s drag-and-drop interface. Designers can also customize the validation messages that are displayed to users when their input fails to meet the specified criteria.

Overall, Spry Controls and validation in Dreamweaver CS5 make it easy for designers to add interactivity and functionality to their web pages, without requiring advanced coding skills.

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