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Jira is a family of products built to help all types of teams manage their work. Jira offers several products and deployment options that are purpose-built for Software, IT, Business, Ops teams, and more.

JIRA is a centralized, highly customizable project management system. All projects are logged into a central database and each one goes through a number of workflows (processes). Workflows control the status of the project as well as the rules by which it transitions to other statuses.

What is JIRA?

JIRA is a project management and issue tracking tool which had been developed by the software company – Atlassian. JIRA software was earlier intended to address issue tracking for software development teams, but now is provides projects management and issue tracking as well as providing collaboration capabilities in the tool for all team members.

Here are some key features and aspects of JIRA:

  • Issue Tracking: JIRA is primarily known for its robust issue tracking capabilities. It allows users to create, assign, prioritize, and track issues throughout their lifecycle. Issues can include bug reports, feature requests, tasks, user stories, and more.
  • Workflow Management: JIRA enables the customization of workflows to match the specific processes and stages of your projects. Workflows define the states an issue can go through, such as Open, In Progress, Resolved, and Closed, and the transitions between these states.
  • Agile Methodologies: JIRA supports agile project management methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban. It provides features like boards, sprints, backlogs, and agile reporting, making it a popular choice for agile teams.
  • Project Management: JIRA offers various project management capabilities, such as creating and managing project plans, setting project milestones, assigning tasks, tracking progress, and generating reports.
  • Collaboration and Communication: JIRA facilitates collaboration within teams by allowing users to comment on issues, attach files, and mention other team members. It also integrates with other collaboration tools like Confluence, enabling seamless communication and knowledge sharing.
  • Customization and Extensibility: JIRA can be customized to suit your organization’s specific needs. It allows the creation of custom fields, issue types, workflows, and permission schemes. Additionally, JIRA offers a wide range of plugins and integrations to extend its functionality and integrate with other tools.
  • Reporting and Analytics: JIRA provides built-in reporting and analytics features, allowing you to generate charts, graphs, and dashboards to visualize project data and track key performance indicators.
  • Integration Ecosystem: JIRA integrates with a wide range of tools and services commonly used in software development and project management, including version control systems, CI/CD tools, testing frameworks, and more.

JIRA is a versatile tool that helps teams effectively manage projects, track issues, and collaborate on tasks. Its flexibility, customization options, and integration capabilities make it a popular choice for teams of all sizes and industries.

What are JIRA components ?

JIRA is a popular project management and issue tracking tool developed by Atlassian. In JIRA, components are a way to categorize and group issues within a project. They are used to represent distinct functional or technical areas of a software project. Components help in organizing and identifying specific parts of a project and provide a means to filter and report on related issues.

Here are some key points about JIRA components:

  • Purpose: Components allow you to divide your project into manageable units. They represent different parts or modules of your project, such as front-end, back-end, database, UI, API, etc.
  • Creation and Configuration: Components can be created and managed by project administrators or users with the necessary permissions. You can define the components specific to your project, assign them names, descriptions, and other attributes.
  • Issue Association: When creating or editing an issue in JIRA, you can assign it to one or more components. This association helps to indicate which part of the project the issue relates to. Issues can be filtered, sorted, and reported based on their assigned components.
  • Searching and Filtering: JIRA provides advanced search capabilities using JQL (JIRA Query Language). You can use JQL queries to filter issues based on their components, allowing you to focus on specific areas of your project.
  • Reporting: JIRA offers various reporting features to analyze and visualize project data. You can generate reports that display issue statistics based on components, providing insights into the distribution of issues across different parts of your project.

Components in JIRA are flexible and can be tailored to match your project’s needs. They help in organizing, tracking, and reporting on issues, ensuring better visibility and management of your software development or project management processes.

What is an JIRA Issue?

In JIRA, an issue refers to a unit of work or task that needs to be tracked and managed within a project. It represents a specific item that requires attention, such as a bug, a feature request, a user story, a task, or any other type of work item.

Here are some key points about JIRA issues:

  • Creation: Issues can be created manually by users or automatically generated through various channels like email, web forms, or integrations with other tools. When creating an issue, you provide information such as summary, description, priority, assignee, due date, and other relevant details.
  • Issue Types: JIRA supports different issue types that can be customized based on your project’s needs. Commonly used issue types include Bug, Task, Story, Epic, Improvement, Sub-task, etc. Each issue type has its own set of properties and workflow states.
  • Workflow: Issues in JIRA follow a defined workflow that represents the life cycle of an issue. The workflow typically includes states like Open, In Progress, Resolved, Closed, etc. As an issue progresses through the workflow, it can be assigned to different team members, undergo various transitions, and be tracked for progress and resolution.
  • Attributes and Fields: JIRA issues have a variety of attributes and fields that capture relevant information about the work item. These may include components, labels, attachments, comments, due dates, versions, and custom fields that can be defined based on your project’s requirements.
  • Tracking and Collaboration: JIRA allows users to track the status, progress, and history of an issue. Team members can collaborate by adding comments, attaching files, linking related issues, and subscribing to updates on specific issues.
  • Search and Reporting: JIRA provides powerful search capabilities through JQL (JIRA Query Language). You can search for issues based on various criteria such as issue type, status, assignee, component, etc. Additionally, JIRA offers reporting features to generate charts, graphs, and dashboards to analyze and visualize project data.


JIRA issues serve as the central unit for managing work items, tracking progress, and facilitating collaboration within a project. They enable teams to organize and prioritize their work, ensuring efficient project management and issue tracking.

What are JIRA issue attributes?

In JIRA, issue attributes are the properties or fields associated with an issue. They capture specific information about the issue, such as its status, assignee, priority, and other relevant details. Here are some common JIRA issue attributes:

  • Summary: A brief description or title that summarizes the essence of the issue.
  • Description: A detailed explanation of the issue, including any relevant information, steps to reproduce, or additional context.
  • Issue Type: The type of issue, such as Bug, Task, Story, Epic, Improvement, Sub-task, etc. This helps classify and categorize the nature of the work item.
  • Priority: The relative importance or urgency of the issue. It can be set to values like High, Medium, Low, or customized priorities based on your project’s needs.
  • Assignee: The person or team responsible for working on the issue. Assigning an issue helps in tracking ownership and accountability.
  • Reporter: The person who raised or created the issue. It could be the person experiencing the problem or someone submitting a feature request or task.
  • Status: The current state of the issue within the workflow. Common statuses include Open, In Progress, Resolved, Closed, Reopened, etc. The status provides visibility into the progress and stage of the issue.
  • Components: Categorizes the issue into specific functional or technical areas of the project. Components help in organizing and filtering related issues.
  • Labels: Tags or keywords that provide additional metadata to classify and group similar issues together.
  • Due Date: An optional field that sets a deadline or target date for resolving the issue.
  • Comments: Allows team members to add additional information, discuss the issue, provide updates, or ask questions.
  • Attachments: Enables attaching relevant files, screenshots, or documents to the issue for reference or further analysis.

These are some of the common attributes in JIRA issues. Additionally, JIRA also supports custom fields that can be defined to capture project-specific or additional information based on your organization’s needs.

What are JIRA issue types?

In JIRA, issue types represent different categories or classifications of work items or tasks within a project. Each issue type has its own set of attributes, workflow, and purpose. The specific issue types available in JIRA can be customized based on your project’s needs, but here are some common default issue types found in JIRA:

  • Bug: Represents an issue or defect in the software that needs to be fixed. Bugs typically describe unexpected behavior, errors, or malfunctions.
  • Task: Represents a specific task or action that needs to be completed. Tasks are typically smaller units of work that contribute to the overall progress of a project.
  • Story: Represents a user story, which captures a user’s requirement or desired functionality from a product perspective. User stories are commonly used in agile development methodologies.
  • Epic: Represents a large and high-level user story that is too big to be completed within a single iteration or sprint. Epics are often broken down into smaller, more manageable user stories or tasks.
  • Sub-task: Represents a smaller, more granular task that is part of a larger parent issue. Sub-tasks are used to break down complex issues or tasks into smaller actionable items.
  • Improvement: Represents a request for enhancement or improvement of an existing feature or functionality. Improvement issues focus on making enhancements to the system or optimizing existing processes.
  • New Feature: Represents a request for the addition of a completely new feature or functionality to the software.
  • Change Request: Represents a request for a change or modification in the project scope, requirements, or specifications.


These are some of the common issue types you may find in JIRA. The availability and configuration of issue types can be customized within each JIRA project to align with the specific needs and terminology of your organization or project.

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