Significance Of The Study

Although CSR is a domain widely investigated by many scholars, the strategic use of CSR activities has been much less studied. There are certain evidences on strategic CSR implications but they have not established the mechanism that defines how CSR can bring strategic outcomes for the organization.

Findings of research would add to the knowledge and understanding of the area of CSR and its linkage to building social capital and reputational capital by organization. Particularly, the study focuses on investigating the strategic role that CSR activities play in yielding better organizational performance/profitability through development of intangible organizational resources (social capital/reputational capital). CSR activities can be helpful in developing intangible organizational resources, which subsequently results in better organizational outcomes.

Apart from theoretical and contextual contributions, the study is going to be equally important from an applied perspective. In today’s highly dynamic business landscape, where managers are finding it hard to achieve and sustain a competitive advantageous position, the results of the study can certainly work as a major guiding force on their way to success in a world increasingly becoming complex, volatile and competitive with every other day.

Corporate social responsibility is regarded as a contribution to sustainable development, with explicit recognition that for there to be effective, multi-generational and global sustainability, all three of government, the private sector, and civil society must play important roles. The study of CSR will help to understand the roles and interplay of government, the private sector and civil society in contributing to sustainable development. It will help us to understand how businesses can contribute to the societies and environments that they are located within. It can identify factors such as public opinion and public relations, as well as charitable, environmental, and social justice initiatives. Since the roles of corporations within our societies can be very controversial, it is a rapidly growing field of study. It is vital for understanding how to improve the public images of the companies as well as many of the best ways to go about doing well in the world with the resources that businesses provide.

Research Objectives
Corporate Social Responsibility

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