Sessions Functions
In PHP, sessions are a way to store and retrieve data across multiple requests made by the same user. Sessions are maintained by a unique identifier called a session ID, which is stored in a cookie on the user’s browser or passed as a parameter in the URL.
Functions are used to manipulate session data. Some common session functions in PHP include:
- session_start(): Starts a new session or resumes an existing session.
- session_id(): Gets or sets the current session ID.
- session_regenerate_id(): Regenerates the session ID to prevent session hijacking.
- session_destroy(): Destroys the current session and deletes all session data.
- $_SESSION: A superglobal array that stores session variables.
To use sessions in PHP, you first need to call session_start() at the beginning of your script. This function will create a new session or resume an existing one if a session ID is present in the request. After starting the session, you can set and retrieve session variables using the $_SESSION superglobal array.
For example, to set a session variable, you can use the following code:
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$_SESSION[‘username’] = ‘JohnDoe’;
To retrieve the value of a session variable, you can use the following code:
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$username = $_SESSION[‘username’]; Overall, sessions and session functions are an important aspect of web development in PHP, allowing you to store and retrieve user-specific data across multiple requests.
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