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Hacking means to “gain unauthorized access (to data in a computer)”. Hacking also describes the rapid development of new programs or the reverse engineering of already existing software to make the code better, and efficient. Hacking also refers to expand the capabilities of any electronic device; to use them beyond the original intentions of the manufacturer.

Various terms like cracker, hacker and ethical hacker are used. Hacker are persons who enjoy learning the details of computer systems and stretch their capabilities whereas, cracker is a person who uses his hacking skills for offensive purposes. Ethical hackers are usually security professionals who apply their hacking skills for defensive purposes.

There are various types of hackers as well, as described below

  • White Hat Hackers – They have no malice intention and are the good guys, usually computer security experts who specialize in penetration testing and other methodologies to ensure that a company’s information systems are secure.
  • Black Hat Hackers – They have malice intention and hack for malaise purposes. They break into networks or computers, or create computer viruses and always try to technologically outpace white hats. They are often called crackers as their motivation is generally to get paid.
  • Gray Hat Hacker – They will break the law in the pursuit of a hack, but does not do so maliciously or for personal gain.
  • Script Kiddies – They are black hat hackers who use borrowed programs to attack networks and deface websites in an attempt to make names for them.
  • Spy Hackers – Corporations hire hackers to infiltrate the competition and steal trade secrets. They may hack in from the outside or gain employment in order to act as a mole. Spy hackers have the only intention to serve their client’s goals and get paid.
  • State Sponsored Hackers – Governments employ hackers and hacking techniques to target enemy states to serve their military objectives online. State sponsored hackers have limitless time and funding to target civilians, corporations, and governments.
  • Cyber Terrorists – They are hackers, usually motivated by religious or political beliefs, employ hacking techniques to create fear and chaos by disrupting critical infrastructures. Cyber terrorists are very dangerous, with their skills and goals.
  • Hacktivists – They employ hacking techniques to expose wrongdoing or spread awareness about events or laws for political or social causes.

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