Sales Promotion

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Sales promotion is one level or type of marketing aimed either at the consumer or at the distribution channel (in the form of sales-incentives). It is used to introduce new product, clear out inventories, attract traffic, and to lift sales temporarily. It is more closely associated with the marketing of products than of services. The American Marketing Association (AMA), in its Web-based “Dictionary of Marketing Terms,” defines sales promotion as “media and non-media marketing pressure applied for a predetermined, limited period of time in order to stimulate trial, increase consumer demand, or improve product availability.

There are basically two types of sales promotion

Consumer Oriented Promotions: Consumer sales promotions are directed at the ultimate user of the good or service.

Types of consumer oriented promotions

Below are the different types of consumer oriented promotions

  • Sampling
  • Incentives 
  • Rebtates
  • Refund
  • Lucky dip
  • Contest
  • Coupons

Trade Oriented Promotions: Trade advertising is directed at wholesaler and retailer and represents 50% of the total promotional spending.

Types of Trade Oriented Promotions

Below are the different types of Trade Oriented Promotions

  • Trade Deals
  • Trade Incentives 
  • Exhibits
  • Trade Shows 
  • Lucky Dip
  • Contests
  • Retailer Kits
  • Point of Purchase

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Advertising, Direct mailers, electronic mailers, telemarketing
Public Relations and publicity

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