The sales process is usually divided into eight steps which are :
- Pre-Approach phase – This phase is for looking for customers and getting ready for the sale.
- Approaching the Customer phase – It includes greeting the customer face-to-face, or in the case of electronic sales, through a live discussion thread or live chat.
- Determining needs phase – It consist of learning what the customer is looking for in a good or service in order to decide which products to show and which product features to present first which occurs in the next step of the sale.
- Presenting the product phase – It is about educating the customer about the product or the service features and benefits.
- Handling questions and objections phase – It involves learning why the customer is reluctant to buy, providing information to remove the uncertainty and helping the customer make a satisfying buying decision.
- Closing the Sale phase – This phase focuses on getting the customer’s positive agreement to buy.
- Suggestion selling phase – This step of the sales cycle is for suggesting that the customer buy more products or services to save money or to enhance the enjoyment of the original purchase.
- Reassuring and follow-up phase – Helping a customer feel that he or she has made a wise purchase.