
An, enterprise with a present obligation may be able to seek reimbursement of part or all of the expenditure from another party, for example via:

  • An insurance contract arranged to cover a risk;
  • An indemnity clause in a contract; or
  • A warranty provided by a supplier.

The basis underlying the recognition of a reimbursement is that any asset arising is separate from the related obligation. Consequently, such a reimbursement should be recognised only when it is virtually certain that it will be received consequent upon the settlement of the obligation.

In most cases, the enterprise will remain liable for the whole of the amount in question so that the enterprise would have to settle the full amount if the third party failed to pay for any reason. In this situation, a provision is recognised for the full amount of the liability, and a separate asset for the expected reimbursement is recognised when it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received if the enterprise settles the liability.

In some cases, the enterprise will not be liable for the costs in question if the third party fails to pay. In such a case, the enterprise has no liability for those costs and they are not included in the provision.

Expected Disposal of Assets
Changes in Provisions

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