React Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in React

The <> and in React


Action in React

AJAX in React

Animation library in React

Attributes in React

Authentication in React

Authorization in React

Axios library in React


Babel in React

Backend in React

Bundlers in React


Callback function in React

CDN in React

Class component in React

Cloud hosting in React

Compilers in React

Component lifecycle methods in React

componentDidMount() in React

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) in React

Components in React

Conditional rendering in React

console.log() in React

Container component in React

Context in React

Controlled components in React

Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Components in React

createContext() method in React

createPortal() method in React

createRef() method in React

CSS animation in React

CSS modules in React

CSS preprocessors in React

CSS-in-JS in React

Custom hook in React


Data binding in React

Default props in React

Dependencies in React

Dependency array in React

Developer tools in React

DevTools in React

Dynamic routing in React


e.preventDefault() in React

Elements in React

Entrypoint in React

ES6, ES2015, ES2016, etc in React

Event binding in React

Event bubbling in React

Event handler in React

Event handling in React

Event listeners in React

Events in React

Expressions in React


fetch() method in React

Fetching data in React

Forms in React

Fragments in React

Functional component in React


Higher-order components in React

Hooks in React


Immutability in React

Inline styles in React

Integration test in React

Iteration in React


JSON Web Token (JWT) in React

JSX in React

JSX (JavaScript XML) in React

JSX expressions in React


Key prop in React

Keys in React


Lifecycle methods in React

Lifting state up in React

Link in React

Lists in React

Logical && operator in React

Logical AND operator in React


map() method in React

Mapping in React

Memoization in React


Next.js in React

npm in React


onChange in React

onSubmit in React


Package Managers in React

Portals in React

Presentational component in React

Production build in React

Prop drilling in React

Props in React

props.children in React

PropTypes in React

Pure components in React


React in React

React animation component in React

React Components in React

React error boundaries in React

React Hooks in React

React Router in React

React.memo() in React

React.PureComponent in React

Reconciliation in React

Reducers in React

Redux in React

Redux Saga in React

Redux store in React

ref.current in React

Refs in React

render() in React

Rendering in React

RESTful API in React

Route in React

Router in React

Routing in React


Server-side rendering (SSR) in React

setState in React

Shallow comparison in React

shouldComponentUpdate() lifecycle method in React

Side effects in React

Single-page Application in React

SPA (Single Page App) in React

Spread syntax in React

Stateful components in React

Stateless components in React

Static hosting in React

Static site generation (SSG) in React

Styled components in React

Synthetic events in React


Ternary operator in React

Test runner in React

this.state in React

Transpiler in React

Two-way binding in React

TypeScript in React

TypeScript interface in React

Typing in React


Uncontrolled components in React

Unit test in React

useCallback() in React

useContext() hook in React

useEffect() hook in React

useReducer() hook in React

useState() hook in React


value in React

Virtual DOM in React


Webpack in React


zIndex in React

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