Raspberry Pi Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in Raspberry Pi



Access Permissions in Raspberry Pi

ACT (activity) light in Raspberry Pi

Active Sensor in Raspberry Pi

Adafruit in Raspberry Pi

ADC in Raspberry Pi

Ad-Hoc in Raspberry Pi

Algorithm in Raspberry Pi

ALSA in Raspberry Pi

An add-on while using Rasbmc is another name for in Raspberry Pi

Analogue signal in Raspberry Pi

analogue/analog signal in Raspberry Pi

API in Raspberry Pi

Arch Linux ARM in Raspberry Pi

Arduino in Raspberry Pi

Arduino IDE in Raspberry Pi

ARM in Raspberry Pi

Armv6 in Raspberry Pi

Armv7 in Raspberry Pi

Armv8 in Raspberry Pi

Assets in Raspberry Pi

Audio in Raspberry Pi

Auto-MDI in Raspberry Pi

AWS in Raspberry Pi

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Backup in Raspberry Pi

BalenaEtcher in Raspberry Pi

Bare metal in Raspberry Pi

Bash in Raspberry Pi

BCM2711 in Raspberry Pi

BCM2835 in Raspberry Pi

BCM2836 in Raspberry Pi

BCM2837 in Raspberry Pi

bezel/surround in Raspberry Pi

BitScope in Raspberry Pi

BitTorrent client in Raspberry Pi

BLE/BTLE in Raspberry Pi

Bluetooth in Raspberry Pi

Bonding agent in Raspberry Pi

Boolean logic in Raspberry Pi

Boosting in Raspberry Pi

boot device in Raspberry Pi

Bootloader in Raspberry Pi

Breadboard in Raspberry Pi

bricking in Raspberry Pi

BT in Raspberry Pi

bus in Raspberry Pi

By using the cloud based system, it allows RP to in Raspberry Pi

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cache in Raspberry Pi

CAD in Raspberry Pi

Camera in Raspberry Pi

capacious in Raspberry Pi

character encoding in Raspberry Pi

Chromium in Raspberry Pi

Chromium is another name for in Raspberry Pi

Circuit in Raspberry Pi

CISC in Raspberry Pi

Closed source in Raspberry Pi

Cluster in Raspberry Pi

Cluster HAT in Raspberry Pi

CODEC in Raspberry Pi

commands in Raspberry Pi

Communication protocol in Raspberry Pi

Computational thinking in Raspberry Pi

Compute Module in Raspberry Pi

Computer network/Data network in Raspberry Pi

Computer program in Raspberry Pi

configuration in Raspberry Pi

Console in Raspberry Pi

console (system, computer, serial) in Raspberry Pi

Constructs in Raspberry Pi

Control flow in Raspberry Pi

CPU in Raspberry Pi

Cron in Raspberry Pi

crossover cable in Raspberry Pi

CSI in Raspberry Pi

CUPS in Raspberry Pi

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DAC in Raspberry Pi

dd in Raspberry Pi

Debian in Raspberry Pi

Debian-based in Raspberry Pi

Debuging in Raspberry Pi

Decomposition in Raspberry Pi

Dependencies in Raspberry Pi

Desktop in Raspberry Pi

Desktop environment in Raspberry Pi

Device Tree (DT) in Raspberry Pi

Device Tree blob (DTB) in Raspberry Pi

Device Tree source (DTS) in Raspberry Pi

Device Trees in Raspberry Pi

DHCP in Raspberry Pi

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol in Raspberry Pi

Digital making in Raspberry Pi

Digital photos are known as in Raspberry Pi

Digital signal in Raspberry Pi

Direct Memory Access in Raspberry Pi

Directoy in Raspberry Pi

distributions in Raspberry Pi

Distrobution in Raspberry Pi

DLNA in Raspberry Pi

DMT in Raspberry Pi

Docker in Raspberry Pi

Domain Name Sytem (DNS) server in Raspberry Pi

DPI in Raspberry Pi

DS18B20 in Raspberry Pi

DSI in Raspberry Pi

Dt-Blob.bin in Raspberry Pi

DVI in Raspberry Pi

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Edge TPU in Raspberry Pi

EEPROM in Raspberry Pi

Elastic Stack in Raspberry Pi

Emby in Raspberry Pi

eMMC in Raspberry Pi

Emulation in Raspberry Pi

Ethernet in Raspberry Pi

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Fedora in Raspberry Pi

few more please in Raspberry Pi

Filesystems in Raspberry Pi

Firmware in Raspberry Pi

Flask in Raspberry Pi

Fritzing in Raspberry Pi

fsck in Raspberry Pi

FUSE in Raspberry Pi

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GameMaker Studio 2 in Raspberry Pi

Gertboard in Raspberry Pi

GPIO in Raspberry Pi

GPIO Breakout Board in Raspberry Pi

GPU in Raspberry Pi

GStreamer in Raspberry Pi

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Hadoop in Raspberry Pi

Hadoop Distributed File System in Raspberry Pi

HAT in Raspberry Pi

HDMI in Raspberry Pi

Here are some additional terms: in Raspberry Pi

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I2C in Raspberry Pi

IDE in Raspberry Pi

IFTTT in Raspberry Pi

Infrared in Raspberry Pi

Instructables in Raspberry Pi

IntelliJ IDEA in Raspberry Pi

IoT in Raspberry Pi

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Java in Raspberry Pi

Jetson Nano in Raspberry Pi

JPEG in Raspberry Pi

Jupyter Notebook in Raspberry Pi

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Kali Linux in Raspberry Pi

Kernel Management in Raspberry Pi

Kodi in Raspberry Pi

KodiBuntu in Raspberry Pi

Kubernetes in Raspberry Pi

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LAMP stack in Raspberry Pi

LCD in Raspberry Pi

LED in Raspberry Pi

LibreOffice in Raspberry Pi

Linux in Raspberry Pi

Linux Formatting in Raspberry Pi

LIRC in Raspberry Pi

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MariaDB in Raspberry Pi

MATE desktop in Raspberry Pi

Mathematica in Raspberry Pi

Microcontroller in Raspberry Pi

MicroSD in Raspberry Pi

Minecraft in Raspberry Pi

Model A in Raspberry Pi

Model B in Raspberry Pi

more terms please in Raspberry Pi

Mounting in Raspberry Pi

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NAS in Raspberry Pi

NGINX in Raspberry Pi

Node.js in Raspberry Pi

Node.js-based in Raspberry Pi

Node-RED in Raspberry Pi

NOOBS in Raspberry Pi

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OctoPrint in Raspberry Pi

OLED in Raspberry Pi

open light in Raspberry Pi

OpenCV in Raspberry Pi

OpenELEC in Raspberry Pi

OpenVPN in Raspberry Pi

Operating System in Raspberry Pi

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Package Management in Raspberry Pi

Partition Management in Raspberry Pi

Partitions in Raspberry Pi

PCB in Raspberry Pi

Peripheral in Raspberry Pi

Pi Zero in Raspberry Pi

Pi-hole in Raspberry Pi

PiJuice in Raspberry Pi

PiNet in Raspberry Pi

Piwigo in Raspberry Pi

Pixel Desktop in Raspberry Pi

PoE in Raspberry Pi

Python in Raspberry Pi

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QEMU in Raspberry Pi

Qt Creator in Raspberry Pi

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Raspbian in Raspberry Pi

raspi-config in Raspberry Pi

Real-time clock in Raspberry Pi

Relay in Raspberry Pi

RetroArch in Raspberry Pi

RetroPie in Raspberry Pi

ROS in Raspberry Pi

ROS Kinetic in Raspberry Pi

RPi-Monitor in Raspberry Pi

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Samba in Raspberry Pi

Samba share in Raspberry Pi

Scratch in Raspberry Pi

SD card in Raspberry Pi

Sense HAT in Raspberry Pi

Sensei in Raspberry Pi

Servo in Raspberry Pi

Shell Scripts in Raspberry Pi

Sonic Pi in Raspberry Pi

SPI in Raspberry Pi

SSH in Raspberry Pi

Stretch in Raspberry Pi

Sure, here are some additional terms: in Raspberry Pi

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Tails in Raspberry Pi

TeamViewer in Raspberry Pi

TensorFlow in Raspberry Pi

TensorFlow Lite in Raspberry Pi

Terminal in Raspberry Pi

Thin Client in Raspberry Pi

Thonny in Raspberry Pi

Tilt Pi in Raspberry Pi

Touchscreen in Raspberry Pi

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UART in Raspberry Pi

Ubuntu in Raspberry Pi

Ubuntu MATE in Raspberry Pi

unmounting in Raspberry Pi

USB boot in Raspberry Pi

User Management in Raspberry Pi

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V4L2 in Raspberry Pi

VideoCore in Raspberry Pi

VLC in Raspberry Pi

VNC in Raspberry Pi

Volumio in Raspberry Pi

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Waveshare in Raspberry Pi

WebIOPi in Raspberry Pi

Webmin in Raspberry Pi

WiFi in Raspberry Pi

Windows 10 IoT Core in Raspberry Pi

WiringPi in Raspberry Pi

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X11 in Raspberry Pi

Xfce desktop in Raspberry Pi

XMBC in Raspberry Pi

XRDP in Raspberry Pi

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Yocto in Raspberry Pi

Yocto Project in Raspberry Pi

YouTube-dl in Raspberry Pi

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Zabbix in Raspberry Pi

Zero W in Raspberry Pi

ZRAM in Raspberry Pi

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