These involve personal interviews with the help of structured questionnaires. Responses are obtained at two levels- spontaneous and prompted. It is advised to get the spontaneous responses first and then the prompted responses. Quality probing needs to be done for the spontaneous questions.
Spontaneous questions help us obtain thoughts, feelings, and facts that exist at the conscious level in the mind. Prompted questions aid getting responses for the aspects that exist at e subconscious level Further, spontaneous questions help getting better diagnostics. He spontaneous response questions typically are –
What thoughts come to your mind on hearing the
word………. (Brand Name)?
What is . . . (Brand Name)?
What do you particularly like about. . . (Brand Name)? What do
you particularly dislike about. . . (Brand me)? .
What is unique about. . . (Brand Name)?
Why do you use. . . (Brand Name) most often?
Why don’t you use. . . (Brand Name)?
Why do you prefer. . . (Brand X) over. . . (Brand Y)?
Why would you never use. . . (Brand Name)?
The prompted response questions typically are –
What are the key attributes/features/benefits of … (Product)?
Here is a list of attributes/features/benefits of … (Product) which some other people like you have indicated. Which of these are key according to you? Now, please rank each of these in order of importance with rank one for the most import attribute according to you, and so on.