Attributes needs to be measured to get the quality. Quality measurement is concerned with calculating some value for related service quality attributes. By comparing these values against standards, it is possible to get the quality status of any process. Quality Metrics are basically defined for improving the quality management processes. Metrics can be defined by collecting the observed values of Quality of Service attributes.
Metrics can be classified in two broad categories as
- the product metrics
- the process metrics
But as per the basic definition the service quality is associated with the customer satisfaction. And so quality metrics can be classified as : Mean Time to Failure, Mean Time to Repair, Customer Complaints & Customer Satisfaction Metrics. Service Quality Metrics of mobile services can be designed by observing the experienced service on mobile service parameters.
Customer Satisfaction is often measured by customer survey. Through survey the data can be collected on five-point scale against the service parameters. This gives actual customer experience against those service parameters.