Quality Management System- Design

Quality Management System- Design

The quality management system should apply to and interact with all processes in the organization. Moreover, it begins with the identification of the customer requirements and ends with their satisfaction, at every transaction interface. Thus, the activities can group in several ways like processing, communicating and controlling.

Reflecting graphically integration of four major areas:

  • Firstly, management responsibility.
  • Then, resource management.
  • After that, product realization.
  • Lastly, measurement, analysis, and improvement.

quality management system

ISO 9000:2000 

  • It sets down the principles behind quality management on the basis of the quality management system standards in the ISO 9000 family.
  • Moreover, BS EN ISO 9001:2000 ‘QMS – Requirements’ is the British Standard official English language version of EN ISO 9001:2000.  And, it is identical with ISO 9001:2000 and replaces BS EN ISO 9001:1994.
Purpose of different BS EN ISO
  • It describes the fundamentals and specifies the terminology for a QMS.
  • This specifies the requirement for a QMS where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide products.
  • In addition, to fulfill customer and regulatory requirements and provide customer satisfaction.
  • This provides guidelines that consider both the effectiveness and efficiency of the QMS. In addition, to improve the performance of the organization and the satisfaction of customers.
A good management system follows the improvement cycle as,
quality managementRequirements and Standards
  • In many organizations, the methods of working already exist around identifying the processes. And, all that is required is the documenting of what is currently done.
  • Moreover, companies may not have procedures to satisfy the requirements of a good standard, and they may have to begin to devise them.
  • And, justifying that the system for meeting the design requirements of a good international standard, such as ISO 9001.
  • Above all, there are other excellent standards to use and provide similar checklists of things to consider in the quality system.

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