Project Organisation

When the nature of the work changes quickly due to change in the environment an organization must have a structural form that adapts to changes with it. A project organization form may be appropriated. A project is a succession of related activities required to accomplish an outcome such as new production or a plan for construction a new building. Projects are generally exclusive; no two are the same as are different brands of refrigerators or different makes of automobiles. In a project organization, individuals are allocated to one or more temporary team that exists for life of the project. The specific arrangement of the team is decided by the project needs. When varied skills are needed for different projects, the composition of the team will change.

Other forms of Departmentation

There are other ways to distinguish and incorporate organization sub-systems. A firm may choose a geographical structure in which the major organization units are given by geographical regions. Departmentation by customer type is another form. In this case the classes of customer or client would be the major organization subject for departments.

Matrix Organisation
Distribution of Authority

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