It includes any specific products or product categories associated with names. Asprin, Coldarin and Anacin could provoke associations with tablet, medicine or pain reliever. Usually, it is believed by psychologists that human relationship (customers are human) thrives on positive aspects. It is a qualitative aspect and no answer is arguably correct. Interestingly, most successful brands do not have negative associations.

Naming Products with the Help of ‘Consumer Insights Spectrum’
Good associations can be generated through names by understanding available positions on the ‘Consumer Insight Spectrum’. Let us discuss the edible oil case with brands like Sundrop, Sweekar, Dhara Health, Cooklite, Shakti, Gold winner and Gemini.

Five out of nine brands of sunflower oil fall somewhere across the Consumer Insights Spectrum. Fortunately each of the five has distinct positions. There exists scope for new brand location as well as for sub-branding of current brands, not having a location on the spectrum.