Process of Training Evaluation Tutorial | Train the Trainer

Process of Training Evaluation


Evaluation is not similar to the assessment, as there are strong dissimilarities amongst the two. Assessment is a constant process that helps to improve an employees’ knowledge and skills. Companies conduct this assessment: Before the course; During the course ; and After the course. However on the other hand people use learning evaluation concept more than the assessment as it deals with all the parts of a program such as assets, operating, association, processes, effectiveness and the complete amount of skills and knowledge that has been provided. Therefore you can also call it as the systematic acquisition and assessment of information that deliver suitable results about some object, in the training.

Questionnaire Design

The questionnaire includes the questions that relate to a particular learning objective of the training course. These questions are very significant to let the measurement of the learning about the training course and if that learning is helpful for enhancing the skills and knowledge of the employee. A number of evaluation templates are added at the end of the questionnaire.


Process of Training Evaluation


Evaluation and Accreditation

Along with the evaluation of the learning objectives that analysis and authorization is presented into both the Train the Trainers programs and the end-user training courses. Description should have IT skills that are appropriate for the systems the post owner use.

Learning Management System

With the development of e Learning and Learning Management Systems there is an important effect on training evaluation. Though the whole belief remains the same, due to the environment of e Learning courses. In addition to this, the evaluation procedure become simpler due to response data with the help of the tests and practical exercises. Though, these tests and practical exercises are freely accessible for online analysis and reporting.


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