Principles of Learning Tutorial | Train the Trainer

Principles of Learning


Learning has happened when people establish dissimilarity in behavior or capability to accomplish a task. The following principles are significant for the growth of any training program,

Trainee must be motivated to Learn:

An employee should see the benefits of learning the information accessible and have a clear understanding of the training program. If you measure these two factors, there will be a better chance of fulfillment. A good trainee observes a chance of actual fulfillment through training.


Principles of Learning


Information must be Meaningful

The training material should relate to the benefits of the training program or it will stop being a persuader. Provide the materials in a progressive way, from the modest to the difficult one. Additional training must provide variation to avoid dullness and exhaustion. Materials can be given with case studies, speeches, pictures, debates, or replicated computer games.

Feedback on Learning

Individuals like to identify how much they have learnt or how well they are doing. The earlier employees know the outcomes of a quiz or test, the faster they can measure their growth. The faster employees get positive response from the trainer, a lesser amount of time they will waste in learning. Self-arranged assessments and planned learning tools give an essential response to an individual on his growth on a specific subject. This principle does not essentially mean regular testing, but the more instant the response on learning the more inspiring it will become.


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