Present Obligation

An enterprise determines whether a present obligation exists at the balance sheet date by taking account of all available evidence. On the basis of such evidence:

  • Where it is more likely than not that a present obligation exists at the balance sheet date, the enterprise recognises a provision (if the recognition criteria are met); and
  • Where it is more likely that no present obligation exists at the balance sheet date, the enterprise discloses a contingent liability, unless the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is remote.

Past Event

A past event that leads to a present obligation is called an obligating event. For an event to be an obligating event, it is necessary that the enterprise has no realistic alternative to settling the obligation created by the event.

Financial statements deal with the financial position of an enterprise at the end of its reporting period and not its possible position in the future. Therefore, no provision is recognised for costs that need to be incurred to operate in the future. The only liabilities recognised in an enterprise’s balance sheet are those that exist at the balance sheet date. It is only those obligations arising from past events existing independently of an enterprise’s future actions (i.e. the future conduct of its business) that are recognised as provisions.

An event that does not give rise to an obligation immediately may do so at a later date, because of changes in the law. For example, when environmental damage is caused there may be no obligation to remedy the consequences. However, the causing of the damage will become an obligating event when a new law requires the existing damage to be rectified. Where details of a proposed new law have yet to be finalised, an obligation arises only when the legislation is virtually certain to be enacted.

Reliable Estimate of the Obligation

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