Political Leadership

Despite the importance of technological and skill infrastructures, it is the politics of e-governance initiatives that probably hold the key. e-Governance projects have made slow progress in many countries because they do not serve the political self-interests of the major stakeholders, particular senior public officials.

The views of senior public officials are therefore absolutely critical; hence the emphasis laid on the issues of leadership and commitment, the emphasis on building awareness and confidence, and the emphasis on ‘winning hearts and minds’. Public officials must be convinced that e-governance is in their self-interest to

  • gain election victory,
  • respond to threats,
  • gain access to donor funds,
  • gain control, credibility, kudos, and other intangible resources

Other civil society stakeholders – managers, users, citizens in some cases – have less power but can still delay, skew or block e-governance initiatives. Building capacities, listening, addressing self-interest and motivation, and devising adequate incentives will all have a role to play here.

Intergovernmental Relationships
Data Interoperability and Standards

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