What is Sales Training?
Sales Training effort put forth by an employer to provide the salesperson job related culture, skill, knowledge, and attitudes that result in improved performance in the selling environment

The purpose of sales training is to achieve improved job performance. In the absence of training, job performance improves with experience. Training substitutes for, or supplements experience, so sales personnel given training reach high job performance levels earlier

The overall, efficiency of a company’s personal-selling operation is influenced by the state of relations with customers and prospects. The sales force plays a crucial role in molding and maintaining these relations. Contrasted with inexperienced sales personnel, experienced sales personnel maintain better continuing relations with established accounts and make better impressions on prospects. Sales training contributes through accelerating (for the newly recruited sales personnel) the process of learning through experience.
Given appropriate initial training, most recruits become productive sales personnel. Furthermore, continuing sales training improves job performances for both born and made sales personnel.
Modern sales executives, too, consider experience the most valuable road to improved job performance. But they also are convinced that sales training contributes to sales job performance. They regard training as a supplement to, not a total substitute for, experience.